Yo mama jokes! Yo mama's so fat, Yo mama's so ugly, Yo mama's so dumb, and more funny yo mama jokes.
Yo mama Jokes, including yo mama so fat, yo mama so stupid, so poor, so ugly, and much more.
Yo Mama Comic Book Jokes Yo Mama So Crazy Jokes Yo Mama So Cross-Eyed Jokes Yo Mama So Dark Jokes Yo Mama So Dirty Jokes Yo Mama So Dumb Jokes Yo Mama So Fat Jokes Yo Mama So Flat Jokes Yo Mama So Ghetto Jokes Yo Mama's Glasses Are So Thick Jokes ...
让人爆笑的美国式嘻哈..有一类笑话,叫YO MAMA JOKES。想象两个小男孩在学校操场对骂,你来我往花样百出,攻击的对象都是对方的MAMA。 Yo Mama's so stupid she failed a survey
Yo Momma So Ugly… Your friend’s mama fall from the ugly tree? Check these jokes out. Yo Mama So Fat… Your friend’s mama have more to love? You’ll love these jokes. Yo Mama So Short… Your friend’s mama vertically challenged? These jokes are for you. Yo Momma So Old… Your...
Yo mama jokes are cheesy insults making fun of someone's mother. They generally put down a mother in the abstract for being fat, stupid, old, or ugly.
歌曲名《yo mama jokes》,由 Hassan Malik 演唱,收录于《명상 음악 series 13-23》专辑中,《yo mama jokes》下载,《yo mama jokes》在线试听,更多yo mama jokes相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
擅长英语笑话的进来English Jokes..Yo mama's so fat,when she went bungee jumping,she landed straight in hell.翻译.大概说明下 答案 你的妈妈太胖了,她去蹦极,一下子到了地狱.(估计是因为体重太重了,一直往下坠.)嗯,我自己的理解是这样的呵呵.希望对你有所帮助.相关推荐 1擅长英语笑话的进来English Joke...
所属专辑:Your Mama's Jokes 声音简介 Yo mama so fat she left the house in highheels and when she came back she had on flip flops. 你妈妈胖到出门穿着高根鞋,回家时变成平底鞋 Yo mama so fat she sat on an iPhone and turned it into an iPad. ...