balance will display in yellow, and the amount that you overspent will be added to your credit card balance. If you can’t cover the overspending in the same month that it occurs, you’ll need to assign money directly to theCredit Card Paymentscategory to pay back the credit card debt. ...
You’ll leave this category overspent. Assign the full amount for your payment each month to the Credit Card Payment category directly. When you make your payment, double-check that your Credit Card Payment category has the right amount in it, and then pay your bill and record it ↗️ ...
Build a streak for each day you get to “YNAB Zero” (no outstanding transactions or overspent categories).This is Jerry Seinfeld’sDon’t Break The Chainmethod of habit-building. Mark each day you successfully hit YNAB Zero on a calendar. Put up the calendar somewhere you’ll see it every...
Of course you did. That’s okay. You’ll see that category listed as “overspent” on the home screen of your budget, and you’ll need to move some money from elsewhere to cover that indiscretion. It happens. In fact, it happens so frequently that we have a term for covering overspend...
YNAB automatically deducts the amount that you overspent from “Ready to Assign” in the new month. After all, those dollars are truly gone from the budget. If you overspent on a credit card, last month’s category balance will display in orange, and the amount that you overspent will be...
Roll With the Punches.While YNAB offers a strict budget platform, it’s OK to be flexible. If you overspend in one category, YNAB will encourage you to address it quickly and adjust accordingly. You can choose a category where you’ve overspent, transfer funds from another category to cover...
Especially when you’re starting, you’ll probably overspend on a category. If so, that’s fine — your budget isn’t ruined. Instead, YNAB will tell you that you’ve overspent and prompt you to move money from another category to cover the overspending. ...
balance completely paid off.This will create a budget goal for your credit card. If you have new expenses on that card and overspend in a category, YNAB will mark those categories yellow or orange to let you know you have overspent on a credit card without the cash allocated to cover it...
Build a streak for each day you get to “YNAB Zero” (no outstanding transactions or overspent categories).This is Jerry Seinfeld’sDon’t Break The Chainmethod of habit-building. Mark each day you successfully hit YNAB Zero on a calendar. Put up the calendar somewhere you’ll see it every...