The way credit cards are handled by YNAB is unique and can be confusing at first. But once they get it, it’s like magic!This video helps a ton! Seeing where money is actually going each month in real time is a huge eye opener! Pretty quickly you’ll begin to understand just how ...
Even if you’ve created a budget before, you may find the YNAB interface a bit confusing at first. The app has a pretty solid “Get Started” process, including a guided tutorial that shows you the basic features. However, I found that YNAB didn’t really “click” for me until I’d...
Just about every kind of car has a handful of confusingly named trim levels like EX, LX, LRX, and EIEIO to choose from, as well as a range of upgrade packages. While some of the features in those packages may be important to you, you’ll likely wind up taking out a car loan for...