You are little off on this. Jehovah is indeed a late invention of the sacred name of YHWH. But a pious reader of the name, particularly a pious Jew would not say the foru letters. Instead they would pronounce the term Adonai which is Greek for Lord. In fact, when the Hebrew Scripture...
For reasons we will discuss below, the Name became (or had always been) unpronounceable, and wherever the text called for YHWH, a reader would pronounce theHebrewword for lord, namelyAdonai. In the Middle Ages, theMasoretesbegan to fear that the traditional pronunciation of the written text...
Four Hebrew letters usually transliterated asYHWH(Yahweh or JHVH signifying the Hebrew name for God (which the Jews regarded as too holy to pronounce). 四个字母的希伯来文来表示上帝的希伯来语名字(这样犹太人会觉得太神圣无法发声)。 David Reigns in Hebron; War Against Abner, Ishbosheth's Captain...
There has been much linguistic research and archeological speculation on the subject, but of course ancient Hebrew had no vowels so we’ll never be sure. Nowadays the name YHWH is written Yahweh, which at least looks nicer. You are free to pronounce it how you wish. If there ever was ...
They only call it "Hebrew" because it had become the language of the Hebrew people when they were in Babylon. This is documented fact & well known in Israel. When you look at Strong's Concordance of the Old Testament, look at the top of the page if you have a hard copy. It says ...
Sacred name groups always claim to know exactly how to pronounce the four Hebrew letters (which in English are approximated as YHWH) which have no vowels. These groups often do not agree with each other. The other group I looked into years ago said the proper pronounciation was Yah-vay. WA...