DNA, DNA Tampering, Donald Trump's Role in the New World Order, Duality, Dystopia, Dystopian Society, Earth Grids, Effective Communication, Ego, Ego Clearing, Ego Death, Ego Defense Mechanisms, Ego Defense Systems, Ego Filters, Ego Mind, Ego Personality, Ego Self, Ego Traps, Ego Trips, Ego...
Scrambling DNA Language, Secret Societies, Sephiroth, Shadow Government, Shattering Illusions, Shattering The Matrix, Snake Brotherhood, Snake Brotherhood Kings, Solomon Shield, Spirit Clouds, Spirits of Christ, Spiritual Possession, Stargate, Stargates, Summoning Demons, Synagogue of Satan, The Anti-Chri...
Our brains are made up of particles that have been around since the beginning of time, and just like antsmustbuild an ant-hill in obedience to ant DNA, somustmankind come up with a model of reality in obedience to human DNA. In other words: the whole picture lies in our hearts, and...
ScientificproofthatGodexists and not just any god, but YHWH, theGodof theHoly Bible Are you ready to become a Christian?learn more ⟶ ✕close Your search results for: No results found for your query. Introduction Next:Universe
eava-avktnilisneisodnagoinsdl-cokantilvhidlaensiaresnoditsnfgncbit-ealiekafssyiresntioʾhdfdeniaerendisesnuektsʾhDesereaeoiksunrf sʾm1eaer0peeo:/tk2ʾfaa0ʾppa,haptyoah/ʾīyrema¯ıipmcuaimsnyeīIemsoaafnin4iʾna8Ipg:s9a,;yt4Jhīem8er:91i;n5J:e1Er the "Long ...
2、上消化道出血:这是肝硬化常见并发症,多突然发生大量呕血或黑粪,常引起出血性休克或诱发肝性脑病,病死率很高。出血原因除食管、胃底静脉曲张破裂外,部分为并发急性胃粘膜糜烂或消化性溃疡所致。 3、感染:肝硬化患者抵抗力低下,常并发细菌感染,如肺炎、胆道感染、自发性腹膜炎等。自发性腹膜炎的致病菌多为革兰...
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