For love is greater than ALL. Which is precisely why John wrote that YHWH IS LOVE. Not merely that YHWH is A GOD of Love, but that YHWH IS LOVE. For there is no other parallel in all of scripture to the Twin Pillars of the Holiness and the Love of YHWH. If you have love in yo...
YHWH is God, and YHWH is One To school B, God is YHWH and is not simply One because there is no other or because he is stronger than the others: he is the Oneness of the whole. He is not simply the pantheistic whole, but the Oneness of the whole. This Oneness was there before...
(Adrammelech, Anammelech);, Constellations, Eclipses etc “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Rev 1:1 In new bible versions heavens is used; from 1008ad GOD is change to Yahweh, YHWH, G-D...
Christians have access to power, revelation, and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, just as the Apostle Paul wrote to believers in Ephesus, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him ...
Pronunciation Of YHWH I asked you the question, not to someone else in your comment field. I am not a cult, I am not in a cult, I have written many times, get out of all religions. I have done my research. And although the Hebrew pronunciation of Jesus is Yeshua, no one on plane...
Whites have over 2,000 years of practice in jew worshipping. It’s becoming part of the White DNA at this point, they’re so good at it. Trying telling them that jesus and YHWH are really narcissistic psychopathic immoral unethical mentally ill lunatics and they will go into catatonic fits...
INFER INITIATE HELL- RAISER [Elite] EXPENSE, REALISE IS THE EXPERIENTIAL SINNER (This Alien Lord who initiated the monetary systems and sacrifices is SatAn – Enlil/YHWH/Ninurta - Marduk) 1 24 For condemning thoughtful quotes [whistleblowers] at the new city, The bird of prey (Vulture/ ...
“At this moment, we don’t have in our possession in Israel a red heifer that is verifiably kosher and suited for the ceremony. About two years ago, five excellent red calves were brought to Israel. They had been checked and certified in America as perfectly red but several months after...
Ultimately, the Jews would come to dominate Persia's wisdom class — according to Daniel and Ezra, Jews would become the emperor's most useful ministers, and their wisdom schools developed modern information technology (see our article on YHWH) and invented the postal service of which the ...