Informalsecond-personsingular(tú)affirmativeimperativeformofinvadir. Formalsecond-personsingular(usted)presentindicativeformofinvadir. Third-personsingular(él,ella,alsousedwithusted?)presentindicativeformofinvadir. 押韵 abrade accolade decade masquerade
Italian - Anagrams Latin - Noun Manx - Etymology Manx - Noun North Frisian - Etymology North Frisian - Verb Norwegian - Adjective Portuguese - Verb Spanish - Verb Swedish - Adjective 押韵 注释 share 4 字母(fine) 2 元音( i e) 2 辅音(f n ) 反词 (enif) 你的意思是...? fineable fì...
(countable) The formal or informal way in which a word is made to sound when spoken. What is the pronunciation of "hiccough"? (uncountable) The way in which the words of a language are made to sound when speaking. His Italian pronunciation is terrible. (countable) The act of pronounci...
ResidentsofCanadalessfrequentlyrefertotheUnitedStatesofAmericaas"America",referringotherwiseto"theUnitedStates" (more formal), "theU.S." (common),orsimply"the States" (informal).PeoplesfromLatinAmericancountriesusuallyuse"America"tomeanthewholecontinent;theyrarelyusetheterm"Americas"whichismostlyusedinthe...