Come sta Lei 复制 Casual Italian: Come stai 复制 Explanation: In the formal translation, "Come sta Lei" is used, where "Lei" is the formal way to address someone with respect. In the casual translation, "Come stai" is used, where "stai" is the informal way to address someone. The ...
In the casual translation, "Come stai" is used, where "stai" is the informal way to address someone. This form is more suitable for friends, family, or people you are familiar with. KimitakeHiraoka 2024年6月15日 意大利语 英语(美国) 半母语者 "come stai?" 查看翻译 Highly-rated answer...
英语(美国) 意大利语 关于意大利语 的问题 how are you 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? 查看翻译 AI_monga 2024年4月26日 Formal Italian: Come sta Lei? 复制 Casual Italian: Come stai? 复制 Explanation: In the formal translation "Come sta Lei?" the pronoun "Lei" is used to address the...
in Italian. Soon, you’ll do a mini quiz to see how much you’ve learned, but first, here’s a quick review: To ask someone how they are, you can say: Come stai = how are you (informal) Come sta = how are you (formal)Here...
When you first arrive in any German-speaking country, one of the first things you’re … Load More Posts Learn French Numbers 1-100 With French Counting Tips May 15, 2024 2 How To Say ‘Thank You’ in French: 18+ Formal and Informal Options ...
This is an informal variation of the phrase. If you're addressing an elder or want to be more formal, ask "como esta usted?" instead. "Como esta" without the "usted" means, "how is he, she or it doing," depending on the context. This phrases are basically used to address a man...
In the casual Italian translation, "come stai?" is used, which is the informal form of asking "how are you?" It is suitable for use with friends, family, or people of the same age group. G91 5月3日 意大利语 “Buon giorno! Come stai?”→ informal, vs 1 person.“Buon giorno!
italian_style 2017年10月17日 意大利语 Ciao, come stai? (informal)Salve, come va? (formal) 查看翻译 1 like Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) olawisz01 2017年10月17日 波兰语 ciao, comè stai? 查看翻译 1 like 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0)...