很多人的答案都是“ red and green lights”,那你们应该也想过把“黄灯” 加进去red and yellow and green lights...这也太长了,而且也不地道。 1、“红绿灯”不是 red green light! “红绿灯”的专有名词:Traffic(signal) light 例句: The traffic light changed from red to green. 交通灯从红色变...
traffic regulation 交通规则 The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop. 红色信号灯表示人和车辆不能通行。 1、greenlight 我们中文里面会说“一路绿灯”表示一帆风顺,这个意思在英语里同样适用。 give someone/something the green light 给某人某事许可 例句: Only you believe, your...
I.yellow [ ˈjɛloʊ, ˈjɛləʊ] 形 yellow ribbon 1. yellow: yellow paint/dress/flower/car amarillo yellow hair muy rubio yellow hair muy güero yellow hair muy mono yellow hair muy catire yellow traffic light amarillo yellow traffic light ámbar adj inv yellow skin...
因为这没有红绿灯,所以过马路很危险。 Go straight to the traffic light and you'll be there. 一直走到红绿灯那边就到了。 我们常会用“一路绿灯”表示一帆风顺 这个意思在英语里同样适用 give someone/something the green light 给某人某事许可 例如: Only you believe, your greenlight is just around you...
two-way traffic 双车道 cyclists only 自行车通行 Pedestrians have the right of way at zebra crossings, so drivers must stop to let them cross.(行人在斑马线上有通行权,因此驾驶员必须停下来让他们通过。)请在斑马线处等待绿灯,然后才能安全地过马路。 (Please wait for the green light at the ...
生活在国外的人应该都知道交通信号灯叫“Traffic Light”或是“Traffic Signal”。 燃鹅,我们知道红灯是“Red Light”、绿灯是“Green Light”,那么黄灯难道就是“Yellow Light”吗? 其实Yellow Light这种说法比较中式化,这么说当然大家也是听得懂的,只不过黄色信号灯还有一个很官方的名字--Amber Amber是“琥珀”、...
Go straight to the traffic light and you'll be there. 一直走到红绿灯那边就到了。 我们常会用“一路绿灯”表示一帆风顺 这个意思在英语里同样适用 give someone/something the green light给某人某事许可 例如: Only you believe, your greenlight is just around you. ...
首先我们需要明白一点,"light" 除了“灯;灯光”,还有“轻的”意思。所以"go light on" 一般指对待某人“体贴地;温柔地;特别照顾”。 例句:Ah, go light on Bill, it's only his first day in the office. 啊,对Bill温柔点,这是他第一天上班呢。 I didn't want my managers to go light on me beca...
A.Traffic lights are only placed on busy streets.B.A star shining in the night sky was a white light that meant "go".C.Yellow warning signs had to be placed when the cars were built.D.Yellow lights are used to prevent people from stopping.(5)The passage is mainly telling us about ...
red light red light可不是只有“红灯”的含义哦~ 1.红灯(交通信号灯) He gunned the cab through the red light. 他猛踩油门,开着出租汽车闯过了红灯。 2.停止的信号 英语里解释为By extension, a message or signal to stop. Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees. ...