一般我们在口语中是将其称为“traffic lights”,因为红绿灯的官方名字是“交通信号灯” ,所以它的正确表达应该是 "traffic signal lights",口语简化为 "traffic lights"。 例句:Turn round and turn left at the traffic lights and then go straight until you see it. 往回走,到红绿灯处往左拐,然后一直向前...
很多人的答案都是“ red and green lights”,那你们应该也想过把“黄灯” 加进去red and yellow and green lights...这也太长了,而且也不地道。 1、“红绿灯”不是 red green light! “红绿灯”的专有名词:Traffic(signal) light 例句: The traffic light changed from red to green. 交通灯从红色变...
在英语里,红绿灯一般都翻译为traffic lights或者traffic signals,但和中文语境比较类似,红绿灯都不仅仅是指简单的交通信号灯,快来一起了解一下吧~ red light red light可不是只有“红灯”的含义哦~ 1.红灯(交通信号灯) He gunned the cab through the red light. 他猛踩油门,开着出租汽车闯过了红灯。 2.停止...
Traffic light(交通灯)或signal light(信号灯)是用于控制交通流量的装置,通常由红、黄、绿三种颜色的灯组成,分别表示停止、准备和通过。这些信号灯在道路交叉口、人行横道等地方被广泛使用。The traffic light turned red, so we had to stop at the intersection.(交通灯变红了,所以我们不得不在路口停下...
红绿灯也不是 “red green light” “红绿灯”的专有名词:traffic light/signal light 例如: It's dangerous crossing the street here because there is no traffic light. 因为这没有红绿灯,所以过马路很危险。 Go straight to the traffic light and you'll be there. ...
“红绿灯”的专有名词:traffic light/signal light 例如: It's dangerous crossing the street here because there is no traffic light. 因为这没有红绿灯,所以过马路很危险。 Go straight to the traffic light and you'll be there. 一直走到红绿灯那边就到了。
▲ traffic light / signal light 红绿灯 ☆Go straight to the traffic light and you'll be there. 一直走到红绿灯那边就到了。 ☆Turn left at the signal light. 在红绿灯处左转。 ▲ driving license 驾照 ☆Here's my dri...
1、“红绿灯”不是 red green light! “红绿灯”的专有名词:Traffic(signal) light 例句: The traffic light changed from red to green. 交通灯从红色变成了绿色。 其中红灯、绿灯的翻译跟大家想的出入不大,红灯 red light,绿灯 green light,那么黄灯英语怎么说呢?难道是“yellow light” ...
▲ traffic light / signal light 红绿灯 ☆ Go straight to the traffic light and you'll be there. 一直走到红绿灯那边就到了。 ☆ Turn left at the signal light. 在红绿灯处左转。 ▲ driving license 驾照 ☆ Here's my driving license. ...
交通信号灯的英语说法是Traffic Light或是Traffic Signal。 Eg The traffic light turned green. 交通信号灯变为绿色。 Cross the street when the traffic light turns green. 当信号灯变绿的时候过马路。 ◆◆◆ ◆◆ 看完了红绿灯的表达,我们再来看看其他交通用语吧!