We all have moments when we feel like exploding in anger — even to the point of yelling at our kids. A new book by a clinical social worker helps parents learn how to keep cool.
But we simply must stop yelling and nagging. There is nothing your child would rather do than please you. To get your approval would mean everything to the sensitive ADHD heart. It’s that sensitivity that contributes to a brain that reacts so quickly and so intensely to yelling and naggin...
There are many ways to influence your child’s behavior, but yelling is not effective. The message that it transmits to our kids is often, “I’m at a loss. I don’t know what to do to get you to act the way I want you to act. I feel out of control.” Of course, the mess...
As a clinical psychologist and a family therapist, I have studied and prescribed many parenting strategies. This course is the most useful in terms of hands-on techniques and helping to calm parents and children. I find myself recommending it often and using it with my own children effectively...
Are you trapped in a loop where your boyfriend yells at you over small things, and you're wondering why? Welcome, dear reader. You're not alone, and the first thing to realize is that this is an issue that extends far beyond those "small things." But don't despair. Our comprehensiv...
Saying action words like “stop,”“no,” and don’t” are not only confusing for a child, but don’t give any clear directions about what you want behavior you’d like them to change. Adults need to clearly explain to the child what you want them to stop doing and why so they und...
loving parent can hit the tipping point. But if you’re reading this, you’re likely asking a critical question:“How do I stop yelling at my kids?”It’s a struggle many parents face, and the good news is that you’re not alone, and even better, change is possible. Yelling at our...
Stop Yelling At Your Kids Parenting is hard. If you’re a parent, I’m sure that I don’t need to tell you that our job is a tough one. When you're managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning. If you find yourself yelling at your kids more of...
The problem is that each of these is a short-term solution to the issue, but all have long-term implications. Let’s break them down a little further. Option 1: Buy the bag of Skittles This is a sure-fire way to stop the tantrum from happening in the candy aisle, but what are the...
1. We must set a good example for our children. Losing control of our emotions is never a good example. 2. We must remember that discipline is about helping our children learn and grow. The primary goal is not to inflict suffering but to help them realize that in real life their action...