The silver apples of the moon, The golden apples of the sun. 这是首四音步韵律体,有些微变化。它的流畅与简单关联着民歌,可能也与Aengus着迷或恍惚,随后坠落的状况有关。写的则是爱尔兰神话中的经典人物“Aengus”。Aengus在爱尔兰神话中是the Dagda与Boyne河的女神Boann的私生子,掌管着年轻、爱、夏天与诗...
In the fifth stanza, Yeats introduces the idea of the poet's art as a means of connecting with the divine. He describes how his poems have "caught the silver apples of the moon" and the "golden apples of the sun," and how they have brought him closer to the mysteries of the univers...