Soya Peptone Yeast Extract Agar 货号:M935-500G 品牌:HIMEDIA 产品系列:干粉培养基 包装:500克 保存条件: 有效期: 产地:印度 产品介绍 上一篇: Soyabean Bile Broth Ba... Sorbitol Iron Agar下一篇: 热门推荐 *Vitamin B12 Assay Medium Sheep Blood Agar Base ASLA Agar Base Ammonium ...
Arginine-Glucose Yeast extract Agar 货号:M1869-100G 品牌:HIMEDIA 产品系列:干粉培养基 包装:100克 保存条件: 有效期: 产地:印度 产品介绍 上一篇: Artificial Sea Water S... Arginine Dihydrolase B...下一篇: 热门推荐 Reinforced Clostridial Agar Sabouraud Maltose Agar Streptomyces Agar...
malt extract agar (MEA), cornmeal agar (CMA), and yeast extract peptone dextrose (YPD) [30], after incubation at 15 °C for 14 days. Morphological characters of pure cultures were observed on MEA with Nomarski interference contrast optics on an Olympus BX-51 microscope, colony color was ...
18,19or,Xylaria sp. Acra L38extract displays antifungal activity and contains medicinal agents such as zofimarin20and griseofulvin, which inhibit fungal plant pathogens21. Despite its high potential, there has been little exploration of biopharmaceutical applications forXylariaspp. Recently, a cultural ...
Diluted samples (0.1 ml) were poured aseptically within a laminar airflow on sterilized Tryptone Soya Agar [(TSA), Himedia, India], to determine the culturable heterotrophic microbial population. To enumerate protease, cellulase, amylase, lipase and tannase producing microbial population, diluted ...
Streptomycin Assay Agar w/ Yeast Extract 货号:M006-500G 品牌:HIMEDIA 产品系列:干粉培养基 包装:500克 保存条件: 有效期: 产地:印度 产品介绍 上一篇: Stuart Transport Mediu... Streptomyces Medium下一篇: 热门推荐 Sulphate Reducing Medium (Triple Pack) Bile Esculin Azide Broth, Modified...
Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Yeast Extract and 货号:M109-100G 品牌:HIMEDIA 产品系列:干粉培养基 包装:100克 保存条件: 有效期: 产地:印度 产品介绍 上一篇: Tryptone Soya Broth Tryptone Soya Agar w/ ...下一篇: 热门推荐 MacConkey Broth (Double Strength) w/Neutral Red AATCC Mineral Salts...
(normalized by absorbance) from each treatment were spread onto standard YPDA (1% yeast extract, 2% Bacto peptone, 2% Dextrose, and 2% bacto-agar) plates and incubated at 30 °C for 72 h. The number of colonies from two independent experiments were counted in each plate and represented...
货号:GM1214-500G 品牌:HIMEDIA 产品系列:干粉培养基 包装:500克 保存条件: 有效期: 产地:印度 产品介绍 Tryptone Soya Yeast Ex...Tryptone Soya w/ Yeast...
品牌:HIMEDIA 产品系列:干粉培养基 包装:500克 保存条件: 有效期: 产地:印度 产品介绍上一篇: Buffered Charcoal Yeas... Buffered Charcoal Yeas...下一篇: 热门推荐 Streptomyces Agar Antibiotic Assay Medium A *Folic Acid Medium, AOAC Selenite Broth w/ Dulcitol (Twin Pack) ...