YCB Object and Model Set is designed for facilitating benchmarking in robotic manipulation. The set consists of objects of daily life with different shapes, sizes, textures, weight and rigidity, as well as some widely used manipulation tests. The physical objects are supplied to any research group...
YCB-Video Dataset 是在 PoseCNN 论文中贡献的,用来验证位姿估计中 symmetry,severe occlusions 等问题。 官方网址如下: https://rse-lab.cs.washington.edu/projects/posecnn/rse-lab.cs.washington.edu/projects/posecnn/ 官方数据集在Google Drive中,需翻墙才能下载,下了三天三夜都没成功,后来发现有人将其上传...
I have tried many ways to download YCB-Video dataset from Google drive, but it seems the file is too large to be download, I meet some network error and connection error. could anybody tell me how which tool will be better to download th...
trackingrobotcomputer-visionroboticsdatasetrobotsmanipulationhuman-robot-interaction3dpose-estimationdomain-adaptationsynthetic-data6dof-trackingycb6dof-pose6d-pose-estimationycb-videosynthetic-domains UpdatedAug 30, 2023 Python Collection of object models compatible with pybullet simulatorhttps://github.com/bulletph...
The YCB-Slide dataset comprises of DIGIT sliding interactions on YCB objects. We envision this can contribute towards efforts in tactile localization, mapping, object understanding, and learning dynamics models. We provide access to DIGIT images, sensor
The YCB-Video dataset is a large-scale video dataset for 6D object pose estimation. provides accurate 6D poses of 21 objects from the YCB dataset observed in 92 videos with 133,827 frames.
YCB-M: A Multi-Camera RGB-D Dataset for Object Recognition and 6DoF Pose Estimationdoi:10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9197426Joachim HertzbergMartin GüntherTill Grenzdrffer
[论文解读 2021-TIP] Revisiting Shadow Detection: A New Benchmark Dataset for Complex World 该论文聚焦于影子的分割(segmentation),创新点在于提出新的数据集和一种局部特征增强方法。 创新点1:自建的数据集CUHK-Shadow: 1. 数据集的特点 10500张带标签的图片;更复杂的场景; 包含了投射到背景物体上的投影,也...
from dex_ycb_toolkit.factory import get_dataset dataset = get_dataset('s0_test') for sample in dataset: if not sample['is_bop_target']: continue # Generate object pose estimates below for this image sample. You can also look at the example result files in results/example_results_bop_*....
copass源代码 Compass是一个强大的,事务的,高性能的对象/搜索引擎映射(OSEM:object/search engine mapping)与一个Java持久层框架. Compass实现了通过注册Hibernate的相关事件实现了数据的实时索引.. DataBuffer在Java中使用ADO.NET 本源码的作者对ADO.Net有着相当深厚的感情,有着对JAVA中DataBuffer类库运用的出色理解...