数据集处理工具 为了便于 PoseCNN 网络在 YCB-Video 数据集上做 evaluation,作者提供了 MATLAB 版本的数据集处理工具 YCB-Video Dataset Toolbox,github 网址如下: evaluate_poses_keyframe.m文件用来评估预测结果,运行后会生成一个results_keyframe.mat文件,包含的字段如图7所示。 图7 plot_accuracy_keyframe.m: pl...
The YCB-Video dataset is a large-scale video dataset for 6D object pose estimation. provides accurate 6D poses of 21 objects from the YCB dataset observed in 92 videos with 133,827 frames. Source: https://rse-lab.cs.washington.edu/projects/posecnn/ Homepage...
I have tried many ways to download YCB-Video dataset from Google drive, but it seems the file is too large to be download, I meet some network error and connection error. could anybody tell me how which tool will be better to download th...
Toolbox for the YCB-Video dataset. Contribute to yushun007/YCB_Video_toolbox development by creating an account on GitHub.