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The vertical zoning of the Yaogangxian tungsten deposit is different from the "five floor model" of wolframite-quartz veins. There are not veinlet and linear vein zones at the top of the model, but the arsenopyrite-topaz rock layer directly and gently dips over the steeply dipping quartz ...
The Crystal Orange Hotel (Nantong Yaogang Road) is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. The Crystal Orange Hotel (Nantong Yaogang Road) offers a pleasant stay in Nantong for those traveling for business or leisure. Show More 4.8/5Excellent Cleanliness4.8 Amenities4.7...
Of all the "new" Chinese localities that have produced fine mineralspecimens during the last 25 years or so, the Yaogangxian tungsten minehas probably been the most prolific. From its rich wolframite-quartzveins have come some of the world's finest specimens of bournonite,ferberite, stan...
摘要,在调查研究的基础上,对河南省商城县姚岗铁矿矿山环境进行了地质灾害评估,并提出了一定的地质灾害防治措施,为合理开发矿山资源和保护矿山地质环境提供了一定的理论依据。 关键词,矿山环境地质,灾害评估,防治措施 中图分类号,,,文献标识码,,文章编号,,, 环境地质问题是指由于自然产生或人类工程经济活动,多数情况下...
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