Error parsing YAML config file: yaml-cpp: error at line 30, column 3: end of map not found In MongoDB 4.0.11 Aug 31, 2019 Unrecognized option: security In MongoDB 4.0.11 On CentOS 7.6 Aug 31, 2019 Error 1067 : The process terminated unexpectedly...
我在yaml-cpp解析器中遇到了问题.当我尝试加载以下定义时: university_typ: {type: enum, values:[Fachhochschule,: error at line 2, column 39: end of map flow not found 我试图在和上验证yaml的有效性,这两个服务都报告yaml是有效的。有没有办法配置/更新/修复yaml-cpp</ 浏览2提问于2014-...
: error at line 2, column 39: end of map flow not found补充:问题似乎是由要求空焦炭作为分离器造成的。当我将测试片段简化为 DsUniversity:[Fachhochschule, Univer 浏览2提问于2014-09-03得票数 3 回答已采纳 1回答 将yaml添加到现有项目时,正确设置CMake变量。 、、 我将yaml-cpp git存储库添加为子...
=input.end();++it){if(*it==delimeter){output.emplace_back(baseit,it);baseit=it+1;if(*baseit==delimeter){throwstd::invalid_argument("Double delimiter found in string "" + std::string(input) +""");}}}output.emplace_back(baseit,input.end());returnoutput;}intmain(){conststd::st...
if header_check != -1 and header_begin != -1 and header_end != -1: # All prepends "found", see if we can salvage this. if header_check == header_begin - 1 and header_begin < header_end: lines.pop(header_check) lines.pop(header_begin - 1) lines.pop(header_end - 2) if...
Error: yaml-cpp: error at line 1, column 1: bad conversion [ERROR] [1719500706.969027891] [rosbag2_storage]: Could not load/open plugin with storage id 'sqlite3' No storage could be initialized. Abort This is the original metadata.yaml: rosbag2_bagfile_information: compression_format: ''...
if header_check != -1 and header_begin != -1 and header_end != -1: # All prepends "found", see if we can salvage this. if header_check == header_begin - 1 and header_begin < header_end: lines.pop(header_check) lines.pop(header_begin - 1) lines.pop(header_end - 2) if...
if header_check != -1 and header_begin != -1 and header_end != -1: # All prepends "found", see if we can salvage this. if header_check == header_begin - 1 and header_begin < header_end: lines.pop(header_check) lines.pop(header_begin - 1) lines.pop(header_end - 2) if...