cmake set(<PackageName>_DIR /path/to/your/package) find_package(<PackageName> REQUIRED) 例如,要查找 yaml-cpp 包,可以这样做: cmake set(yaml-cpp_DIR ~/yaml-cpp) find_package(yaml-cpp REQUIRED) 2.2 使用 CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ...
# find dependencies find_package(yaml-cpp REQUIRED) find_package(spdlog REQUIRED) include_directories( include/ ) add_library(libarmcore SHARED #pose src/pose/Pose.cpp ) target_link_libraries(libarmcore jsoncpp yaml-cpp spdlog ) install( DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include ) install( TARGETS l...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16 ) # Using Modern CMake ... find_package(yaml-cpp REQUIRED) # This works. Package is found ... target_link_libraries(argol_cpp_library PRIVATE yaml-cpp::yaml-cpp) # This fails. the ALIAS is unknown to CMAKE. The call to target_link_libraries fails...
and I can find the cmake file at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/yaml-cpp and use it in CMakeLists.txt like find_package( yaml-cpp REQUIRED ) # ${YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR} # ${YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES} But got another two problems: We find lib by yam-cpp but cmake variables prefix i...
ROS 中常常需要多个 package,比如 roscpp,rospy,std_msgs。我们可以写成: 1 2 find_package(roscpp REQUIRED) find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED) 这样的话,每个依赖的 package 都会产生几个变量,这样很不方便。所以还有另外一种方式: 1 2 3 4 find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...
如果在CMakeLists中没有下面的指令,那么cmake就不会搜索xxx_DIR指定的路径.而是到/usr/local/lib/cmake/xxx/中搜索,比如/usr/local/lib/cmake/yaml-cpp/yaml-cpp-config.cmake,如果还没有就失败了。 find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED PATHS /usr/local/share/OpenCV NO_DEFAULT_PATH) ...
进入cppsrc建立build进行cmake ..后,相关依赖的boost,nanomsg,yamlcpp登相关c++包路径都无法正常定位。 -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.18363. -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.29.30133.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.29.30133.0 ...
cpp读取yaml文件方法 <1>建立yaml文件 #your.yaml yourspacename: variable1: 10 # define a variable parameter list1: - 0 - 20 - 40 - 60 <2>在launch文件或者在命令行里load yaml文件 rosparam load your.yaml <3>在cpp文件中编写读取加在到参数空间的参数 ...
find_package(yaml-cpp REQUIRED) find_package(spdlog REQUIRED) include_directories( include/ ) add_library(libarmcore SHARED #pose src/pose/Pose.cpp ) target_link_libraries(libarmcore jsoncpp yaml-cpp spdlog ) install( DIRECTORY include/
Parameters are required for thearuco_mappingnode and need to be specfied here. Ensure that the topics are mapped correctly for the node to function. Other parameters required are: calibration_file(.ini format) num_of_markers marker_size(in meters) ...