Version1.52CommercialinConfidence-ReleasedunderNDAPage3of16DanteFirmwareUpdateManager Contents 1.Introduction...5 11AboutAudinate512AboutDante5 2.AbouttheFirmwareUpdateManager...
1、配置系统前先升级固件,调音台,接口箱,处理器的系统版本和 dante 固件都要升级到最新版。 调音台 软件 固件 系统固件升级:将 U 盘格式化为 fat32 格式(不能有分区)拷贝 tf_fir
The Dante Firmware Update Manager v1.4.7.1 for Windows, included in the zip files for CL series firmware V2.04 does not support Windows XP. Please use Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 When updating, perform the update as described in the “CL5/CL3/CL1 Update Guide.” You do not need a Dant...
The Dante Firmware Update Manager v1.4.16.6 for Windows does not support Windows XP.Please use Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, or Windows 10. We found a problem in which the Dante settings might not be properly initialized when the firmware is updated, which results in data inconsistency between t...
Double-click the Dante Firmware Update Manager installer downloaded in “Preparing for the update” (DanteFirmwareUpdateManager-x.x.x.exe) and follow the on-screen instructions to install the firmware. x.x.x represents the version number of the Dante Firmware Update Manager. When the Dante ...
Dante Firmware Update Manager V3.10.5.1 MTX5-D Dante Firmware V3.10.32.2 - - 1.3.4 - 1.1.6 MRX7-D Dante Firmware V3.10.32.2 - - 1.3.4 - 1.1.6 XMV series Dante Firmware V3.10.32.2 - - 1.3.4 - 1.1.6 ...
You need to update the Dante-MY16-AUD firmware to V3.3.9 or later before using the Dante-MY16-AUD with the QL series. The Dante Firmware Update Manager since v1.4.16.6 for Windows does not support Windows XP. Please use Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10. ...
Use "" for the update. When updating, copy the unzipped file "DM3_firmware_V3.00.bin" to the root directory of a USB flash drive, and follow the instructions on the update guide. With DM3 (Dante model), the Dante firmware also needs to be updated. This can be achie...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Yamaha雅马哈 Dante Controller V4.1.0.x 用户手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 DanteControllerUser Guide UserGuide ForDanteControllerversion4.1.0.x ForWindowsandOSX Documentversion: 1.0 Documentname:AUD-MAN-DanteController-4.1...
Updated NY64-D Dante firmware. Firmware for TF consoles and TF-RACK remains unchanged from V4.50. Solved a rare problem in which NY64-D interfered with TCP communication of other networked devices when used together with a DHCP server and those devices were rebooted. ...