CDL-series 扬声器 Dante 固件更新指南说明书 Dante™ Firmware for CDL-Series Loudspeakers Update Guide ®
Version1.52CommercialinConfidence-ReleasedunderNDAPage3of16DanteFirmwareUpdateManager Contents 1.Introduction...5 11AboutAudinate512AboutDante5 2.AbouttheFirmwareUpdateManager...
根据提示进行升级。Dante 卡升级,安装DanteFirmwareUpdateManager/win/DanteFirmwareUpdateManager-,将本机网口与 dante 卡 PRIMARY 口直通网线。电脑网口配置为自动获得 ip。运行软件,选择网口,选择升级文件 tf_firm/FWUpdate_NY64-D_vxxxxxxx_sw310.dnt ,确认升级。接口箱...
Attempting to load Dante firmware directly to the Dante cards via Dante Controller or Audinate's Firmware Update Manager may result in an unrecoverable device. If your system is up to date with the latest Tesira firmware, then your DAN-1 card / TesiraFORTÉ DAN / TesiraFORTÉ X / TC-5D...
The Firmware Update Manager will scan for the LT-DANTE card. Once it has found the card check the box to the left of the device name. Press Start. The updater will progress through: “Get file” then “Flashing”. Once the firmware has fully updated and you see the “Update done” di...
Solved a problem in which an error message was displayed and the Dante Firmware Update Manager for Windows could not be installed. Updating to V1.0.1-2 is not necessary if you are already using V1.0.1 since only the installer was fixed and the firmware was not changed....
u e Dante firmware for your mixer from your My PreSonus account. D 1. After downloading and installing the Dante Firmware Update Manager, download the customized Dante firmware for your mixer and save it to the same computer. s i 2. Connect your mixer and your a ç n computer to your...
Although rare, this can occur when: n The firmware update process is interrupted by power loss or network failure n The firmware image itself that was used in an upgrade is corrupt If your device enters failsafe mode, please use the Failsafe Recovery function in the Firmware Update Manager ...
Although rare, this can occur when: n The firmware update process is interrupted by power loss or network failure n The firmware image itself that was used in an upgrade is corrupt If your device enters failsafe mode, please use the Failsafe Recovery function in the Firmware Update Manager ...
Firmware Ver001B Dante firmware V1.2.0 Dante firmware V1.2.0 SMPTE2110-30 has been supported.Dante Domain Manager (DDM) v1.1 or later is required to use SMPTE 2110-30 audio. Firmware Ver001B Operation stability has been improved.Document...