Brothers Education耶鲁大学外教解密美国本科文书创作技巧之Why Essay: Yale,美国本科申请补充文书有哪些雷区是需要去规避的?#藤冠 37 简介 独播24集全 重启恋的世界 美女医生穿越遇真爱霸总 独播30集全 铁拳英雄 陈展鹏曼谷唐人街扶善惩恶 VIP29集全 超越 ...
We want to know what matters to you, and our essay question is designed to help us gain insight into your background, passions, motivations, responsibilities, ideals, identities,challenges, or aspirations, depending on where you take your response. To ensure that you’re able to write about s...
3. 你可以给学校带来什么? 其实这个特征,更加适用于Supplement Essay(附属文书),我们俗称的Why School Essay(学校的小文书) 这一点是很容易被大家忽略的,大学招生官寻找的不会是单纯意义上的“好学生”,而是可以给自己的校园带来多元化的学生。 录取委员会的人看过那么多的why essay,能想到的优点大家都写了,因此...
Why do some schools require applicants to explain what motivate them to apply to their universities? What makes a great why essay? Many have said that the why essay is like a love letter — what kind of “love” is that? 1 如果托福、SAT成绩、学校绩点等数字展现申请者的学术能力,主文书和...
With this prompt, admissions officers are trying to learn what is important to you in a community and why you are important in a community. Yale’s essay prompts have historically stressed the importance of community, as it’s an understandable priority for them. When applying to a university...
Learn more about Yale University, including the school's admissions process and what prospective applicants need to know before applying.
Please respond to one (1) of the three essay prompts below. The word limit (though not necessarily the goal!) is 500 words.:1) Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made.Why is this commitment meaningful to you and what actions have you taken to support it?
For students applying to Yale, the "Why Yale" essay may seem straightforward, but it can also bevery intimidating due to its low word-count limit and the specific nature of the prompt. You might be wondering what you can write to make sure your application stands out from the
2018-19 申请季--耶鲁大学(Yale University)本科申请小文书(ESSAY)题目以及详细解析) 随着2018年5月1日 最新的COMMON APPLICATION 的系统更新,申请系统推出的7选1的主文书也尘埃落定,基本上2018-19申请季的文书题目保持不变,仍然是7选1,同时,CAAS申请系统也宣布今年主文书题目仍然跟去年一样,没有变化,5选一。既...
A great way to write this essay is to break it up into parts. First, write about how you were introduced to the topic. Such an introduction will allow you to naturally discusswhyit was so compelling to you. Then, discuss your engagement with the subject. Yale wants to accept students wh...