That’s why I needed a school that would push me to see that my coursework has grounding in reality. Now I grasp a bigger picture my perspective has a different scale. That’s why I chose Yale. I came to Yale from across the world, because I wanted a global education. Now I’m ...
that's why i chose yale andthat'swhyitissuchanimportantdecision.这就是为什么这是一个至关重要的决定。 becauseitisonethatwillfollowyounow,andintothefuture.因为它不仅影响你现在的生活,也决定你将来的路途。 AndthatconcludesanothertraditionalYaleinformationsession.讲完这点,我们这期的耶鲁座谈会也将告一个...
That's Why I Chose Yale 这就是我为什么选择耶鲁的原因。耶鲁大学(Yale University),旧译“耶劳大书院”,是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽的学院。相关视频在百度视频有。
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记笔记 Youtube That's Why I Chose Yale 720p 耶鲁大学宣传片 字幕:@aphan79 展开更多 生活 日常 音乐剧 耶鲁大学 YALE 收到耶鲁录取!幸福纠结的心路历程…… 不穿鞋子sai 耶鲁大学大一学生的一天 | 体验顶尖藤校学霸的日常 | A Day in the Life of a Yale University Student ...
"That'swhy I chose Yale" writtenby:Andrew JohnsonEthanKuperberg (Admissions officer (spoken):)...and that's why it is such an important decision, because it is one that will follow you now, and into the future.And that concludes another traditional Yale information session.There will be ...
But mostly I chose Yale for its superb academic opportunities. I came to Yale because I wanted to learn and I wanted to learn from the best. I was tired of memorizing figures and facts just to pass another test. Last year I spent the summer abroad, I helped to monitor a foreign...
Residential colleges, come give a cheer.Aplace to call our home for all four years.Asense of unity, immense community our friendship will prevail.That’s why I chose Yale. 院长由一位全职正教授担任,他把大家凝聚到一块儿。当我们学习累的时候,他会组织调剂节目和讲座。谁要看百老汇演出?我很乐意...