耶鲁大学 Yale University,成立于1701年,是美国历史上第三所高等学校,常春藤盟校之一,也是美国九所殖民地学院之一,坐落于康涅狄格州第二大城市纽黑文市。 耶鲁大学初名大学学院 Collegiate School,原位于康涅狄格州的克林顿市 Clinton,后搬迁至旧塞布鲁克镇 Old Saybrook,再至韦瑟斯菲尔德 Wethersfield。 最终于1718年迁至今...
Yale environmental engineering set for growthMilan Milenkovic
耶鲁大学(Yale University)是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名"大学学院"(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为长青藤联盟的成员之一。 在2006英国泰晤士报世界大学排名中,耶鲁大学总平均排名为世界第四。2006年,美国《普林斯顿评论》将耶鲁大学评为全美最难进...
in Environmental Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1989. In his first appointment, Elimelech served as professor and vice chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCLA. Upon coming to Yale in 1998, he founded Yale’s Environmental Engineering Program. The program ...
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign M.S., Seoul National University B.S., Seoul National University 研究领域 Application of nanomaterials for water treatment Development of upconversion technology for environmental application Photochemical and photothermal disinfection Development of self-heali...
Yale University 学校官网 U.S. NEWS综排:5区域分类:City学校类型:大学 私立混合 学生数量:14806研究生数量:8161国际生数量:2605(占比21.20%) 耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,也是八大“常春藤盟校”成员之一,耶鲁校园的260座建筑物涵盖了各个历史时期的设计风格,被誉为“美国最美丽的城市校园”。 耶鲁大学...
The institution is also led and supported by the University Cabinet, an advisory body convened by the president, which consists of the deans, vice presidents, and other senior academic and administrative leaders. 自1701年成立以来,耶鲁一直致力于扩...
Yale University is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. Yale University confers degrees through various schools, such as: the School of Management, the Law School, the Yale School of Medicine, the School of Engineering and Applied ...
Yale University Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 个人简介 Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology B.S., Cornell University 研究领域 Prof. Osuji's interests are centered on the physics and physical chemistry of soft matter - studying ...
General Engineering: (100 students) Ecology, Evolution & Systematics Biology: (73 students) Public Health: (58 students) Theological & Ministerial Studies: (56 students) Use the map below to explore the most popular degrees at Yale University on a country by country basis. Select a Country to...