As provost, he facilitated strategic planning and initiatives such as enhancing career development and mentoring opportunities for all Yale faculty members; promoting faculty diversity; creating the Office of Academic Integrity; establishing the University-w...
Yale University 耶鲁大学本科阶段采用的是类似牛津、剑桥的住宿学院制,研究生阶段则由文理研究生院(Graduate School of Arts & Sciences)以及13所专业学院(Professional Schools)构成: 一、建筑学院(School of Architecture) 二、艺术学院(School of Art) 三、神学院(Divinity School) 四、戏剧学院(David Geffen Schoo...
John Grim, senior research scholar at School of Environment at Yale University echoed her opinions. He noted that it's a significant change that people are talking about the temperature rise limit to 2℃ from the previous level of 1.5℃, following the 28th session of the Conference of the Pa...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Yale University at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Yale University. (n.d.).What Yale Looks For.Retrieved fromYale College Undergraduate Admissions 【英文原文】 Many years ago, former Yale President Kingman Brewster wrote that selecting future Yale students was a combination of looking for those who would make the most of the extraordinary resources...
Manufacturing Research Fund, a $100,000 fund which will support research at Yale School of the Environment’s Center for Industrial Ecology. More specifically, the fund will support researchers examining the sustainability benefits of additive manufacturing using life-cycle assessment (LCA) tools and ...
John Grim, senior research scholar at School of Environment at Yale University echoed her opinions. He noted that it's a significant change that people are talking about the temperature rise limit to 2℃ from the previous level of 1.5℃, following the 28th session of the Conference of the Pa...
Review Yale University Rating 4 out of 5 My Experience with Yale UniversityAlthough I haven't studied at Yale yet, my application process has been a deeply positive experience. Yale's commitment to sustainability and environmental studies, through its School of the Environment, truly aligns with...
Yale Environment 360: India has managed to maintain a population of about 3,000 tigers for decades. What’s the potential population in a nation that’s also home to 1.3 billion people? Ullas Karanth: There are at least 300,000 square kilometers of the type of forest in which tigers ca...
developmental origins of health and disease, environmental justice and disparities, metabolomics and more while maintaining important ties to local communities. YSPH students are partake in many opportunities tocollaborate with facultyand peers in public health, the Yale School of the Environment and more...