Yale Summer Program Gives High Schoolers a Look at Careers in STEMNEW HAVEN » The Pathways Yale Summer Scholars Program introduceshigh school students to many...Zahn, Brian
2025天体物理夏校:The Summer Science Program(SSP)详解 2025宾大生物医学夏校UPenn Biomedical Research Academy详解 2025年美本申请顶级夏校:耶鲁大学YYGS开始申请! 2025卡梅计算机夏校National High School Game Academy解读 01项目简介 耶鲁天体物理学...
Yale Summer Session seeks motivated high school students who wish to enroll inYale Collegecourses for credit. While enrolled in Yale courses, qualified high school students will share the classroom with college students and will do college-level work. All participants will be held to the same set...
2025天体物理夏校:The Summer Science Program(SSP)详解 2025宾大生物医学夏校UPenn Biomedical Research Academy详解 2025年美本申请顶级夏校:耶鲁大学YYGS开始申请! 2025卡梅计算机夏校National High School Game Academy解读 01项目简介 耶鲁天体物理学暑期课程 (YSPA) 是一项研究和充实计划,由耶鲁大学莱特纳家庭天文台和...
Summer Springboard program for high school students in New Haven, CT Campus Overview Yale University, where tradition meets innovation and history breathes alongside boundless possibilities, is not just a place of learning; it's a portal to a world of limitless intellectual exploration and discovery...
About the Yale Daily News Summer Journalism Program The Yale Daily News Summer Journalism Program is a three-day intensive course in journalism for high school […]
During the program, students will stay at Yale University, and study under the guidance of a prestigious teaching team led by Yale instructors. They will experience the academic and daily life in Yale University and explore academic topics. In addition to daily learning, the summer school has ca...
Summer School at Yale Oxford Royale Academy The Punt House St Catherine’s College Manor Road Oxford OX1 3UJ UNITED KINGDOM admin@oxford-royale.co.uk + 44 (0) 1865 954800 Oxford Royale is a part of Oxford Programs Limited, a company registered in England as company number 6045196, ...
哈佛夏校 Pre-College Summer School Program ➤ 招生对象:16-18周岁,计划于2025或2026年高中毕业并入读大学 ➤ 夏校时间: 第一期: 2024年6月23日-7月5日, 第二期 2024年7月7日-2024年7月19日, 第三期2025年7月21日-8月2日 费用:5,500美元 (含2周食宿、活动费用及意外保险,无学分) ,按需提供助学...
官网:https://summer.harvard.edu/high-school-programs/ Pre-College Program 为期两周,无大学学分,哈佛生活初体验 夏校时间: SESSION I:2022年6月26日-7月8日 SESSION II:2022年7月10日-7月22日 SESSION III:2022年7月24日-8月5日 申请要求 : ...