【The Yale Summer Program in Astrop】 01项目简介 耶鲁天体物理学暑期课程 (YSPA) 是一项研究和充实计划,由耶鲁大学莱特纳家庭天文台和天文馆 (LFOP) 主办,面向众多即将升入高年级的高中生(申请时是大三的高中生),他们表现出科学和数学的天文...
网站链接:https://summer.uchicago.edu/programs/immersion 06 哥伦比亚大学夏校 包含多个项目,其中College Edge Summer面向目前就读于11-12年级的高中生,共12周,为正式课程修读;NYC Residential Summer面向年满16周岁的高中生,为期2周半。 ➤ 哥大主校区住宿项目NYC Residential Summer分2期,具体时间为 2024分2期:...
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). This test requires pre-registration for available testing dates. Yale Summer Session requires a 100 or better on the internet-based TOEFL iBT. The results must reach Yale Summer Session by the application deadline date relevant to the program....
项目网址 https://yspa.yale.edu/program/inside-look-yale-summer-program-astrophysics 参考项目时间 2024年6月24日-2024年8月4日 参考申请截止时间 2024年3月8日晚11:59 上课地点线上+耶鲁大学LFOP天文台 适合专业物理 参考费用7500美元(包括学费、食宿费、实地考察费、项目费用、教材费、计算机费 等,但不包...
加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)坐落于美国旧金山湾区伯克利市,是一所公立研究型大学,被誉为“公立常春藤”,同时也是美国大学协会成员,在学术界享有盛誉。 项目信息 我校学生可以选择参加由几十个学院提供的在线课程(Online and Web-based),课程列表详见:https://summer.berkeley.edu/courses/onli...
Join Oxford Royale's award winning Yale Summer School. Live on campus at Yale University. Study Business, Law, Engineering & more. Ages 16-18
Yale Summer Session combines the resources of a world-class university with the close-knit community of a liberal arts college. In our small classes, Yale Summer Session students work closely with world-renowned faculty; they also have access to the vast array of resources on campus, including ...
Yale Summer Program Gives High Schoolers a Look at Careers in STEMNEW HAVEN » The Pathways Yale Summer Scholars Program introduceshigh school students to many...Zahn, Brian
项目名称:Secondary-School Program 时长:7周 学生年龄:15-18岁 是否带学分:是 可选课程:200多种 Yale University 耶鲁大学针对高中生开设了自己的夏校项目, “Yale Summer Session seeks motivated high school students who wish to enroll in Yale College courses for credit. In for-credit courses, qualified...
The institution is also led and supported by the University Cabinet, an advisory body convened by the president, which consists of the deans, vice presidents, and other senior academic and administrative leaders. 自1701年成立以来,耶鲁一直致力于扩...