今年Yale SOM 的重要申请截止日期为9月13日(第一轮),1月5日(第二轮),4月11日(第三轮)。 Essay QuestionDescribe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words) 1.Yale SOM为什么设置这样一个题目? Yale SOM这一篇讨论“commitment“的文章向来被视为最难写的商学院Essay之一,原因是它并不是简单...
Yale MBA Essay for 2024-2025Is the Yale School of Management on your list of target MBA programs? Then get ready to hit the ground running. The Yale MBA essay and deadlines for the new admissions season have been confirmed. Reapplicants will note that Yale SOM has kept the same essay ...
(推薦閱讀:與Adcom有約》不只MBA課程,Yale SOM享有學校豐富資源,讓學生客製化課表!) Essay topic We want to know what matters to you, and our essay question is designed to help us gain insight into your background, passions, motivations, responsibilities, ideals, identities,challenges, or aspiration...
整体而言,Yale SOM在招生上延续了一直以来注重平等和包容性的特点,对女性和国际学生非常友好,同时进一步提高了自己对非传统背景申请人的吸引力。 Essay Question Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words) 1.Yale SOM为什么设置这样一个题目? Yale SOM这一篇讨论“commitment“的文章向来被视为...
Yale School of Management (以下简称Yale SOM) 的Essay题目和HBS颇有异曲同工之妙,都流露着些许“Go Big or Go Home”的意味。一方面,申请人只需完成一篇Essay,工作量不算大;但从另一个角度来说,申请人只有一篇Essay的机会打动招生官。写作的主题很直接,在500字的篇幅限制内,列举自己曾经做过最大的“Commitme...
一次看完Yale SOM的Class Profile和Employment Report,还有大家最关心的中国同学的就业数据,加深同学们对学校的了解。可关注公众号「携隐留学报告」回复「Yale」获取。【校友来了】链接可在微信搜索xyworkLia,回复「Yale」获取, 视频播放量 952、弹幕量 0、点赞数 10、投
Essay Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words maximum) 出题意图 这是Yale SOM连续第6年使用这个文书题目,独对这一题情有独钟,WHY? 这要从Yale的故事说起。早在1701年便建校的耶鲁大学,其建立于1976年的商学院,是美国顶尖商学院中最年轻的商学院之一...
Yale SOM Essay Topics 2013-2014 Following up on the earlier release of its 2013-2014 deadlines, Yale SOM has announced its 2013-2014 essay topics on its official blog. This year’s topics are as follows: Essay 1 What motivates your decision to pursue an MBA? (300 words maximum) Essay 2...
今年YSOM的MBA申请计划已经发布 - 将继续延用近年内的著名文书题目:your biggest commitment。接下来我们就来对这个题目做相应的解析。 2018-19 MBA 申请计划 注1:YSOM今年的R1截止日期也有一天的提前。 2018-19 YSOM Essay Questions “Describe ...
The essay prompt on the Yale SOM application is a bit intimidating.They ask for your biggest commitment… professional? Personal? Philosophical? You won’t get much additional explanation from the Yale adcom, but that doesn’t mean you can just write whatever you want! Here’s what our years...