虽然说SOM的教学楼不在耶鲁的主校区,但SOM是一直致力于提高SOM与耶鲁别的院系课程的融合紧密度的(即,官方宣称的Most Integrated With Home University)。从实际的角度来说的话,SOM的学生可以自主选择别的院系所开设的课程,并且SOM也极力鼓励管理学院的学生们这样做借此去explore更大的领域。 在课程的设置上,SOM采用...
耶鲁管理学院公布了2023届MBA班级构成,这是一届值得夸耀的班级:考试平均成绩上升,更多女性、少数族裔和国际学生成为班级的一员。 (欢迎查收文末近4年数据对比) Yale SOM的申请人数连续两年增长,从3453人增至3877人,增加了12%。学院在保持班级规模不变的情况下,将录取人数减少了100多人,这直接导致录取率下降了6...
录了谁丨Yale最新一届Class Profile & Employment Report 2025-01-08 21:02 发布于:山西省 返回搜狐,查看更多平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。 阅读() 内容举报大家都在看 我来说两句 0人参与, 0条评论 登录并发表 搜狐“我来说两句” 用户公约 ...
耶鲁大学管理学院,即SOM,作为美国最年轻的顶尖商学院之一,其历史虽短,却凭借耶鲁大学的深厚底蕴与不断努力,迅速跃升至顶尖行列。学院最初名为“耶鲁大学组织与管理学院”,首任院长William H. Donaldson在哈佛大学获得MBA学位,其对SOM的定位介于哈佛商学院与哈佛肯尼迪政府学院之间。学院在1980年代后引...
Being a SOM student, you will learn that passion is the main agent driving students’ purpose. Even though such traditional post-MBA career options as consulting and financial services are very popular among SOM graduates (29.7% and 29.4%, respectively, of the Class of 2023 accepted jobs in ...
This entry was posted in School News and tagged 2024-2025 MBA essays, Yale MBA, Yale School of Management, Yale SOM. Bookmark this post Did you know that SBC offers test prep services? We’ve recruited a team of best in class instructors who will help you recognize your individual ...
Find below the Undergraduate Class Profile (2024) to understand your chances: Here are top 5 reasons to consider a undergraduate degree from Yale: 1. STARS Program – STARS provides undergraduates an opportunity to combine course-based study, research, mentorship, networking, and career planning in...
Yale University Executive MBA The EMBA program combines the rigor of our integrated core curriculum and leadership development program with advanced leadership study and the option to specialize in an area at the nexus of business and society: asset management, healthcare, or sustainability. The curri...
Yale’s MBA admissions blog is an excellent resource.In the past, Yale SOM’s assistant deans for admission, Bruce DelMonico and Laurel Grodman, have said, “Don’t try and predict what we’re looking for because we’re looking for so many different things, and it’s not any one ...
希望大家慢慢欣赏这份profile,真的很有趣~里面有诗人,魔术师,教授,军人,运动员,模特,记者,作家,环保主义者,也有前总统Bush的发言稿撰写人和中国财政部长顾问等等等等~~~ Yale能力压哈佛这个分数党人,雄踞全美法学院的老大是有原因的。当然,普林斯顿是更加牛气根本不屑玩这个,人家是无法学院医学院商学院的,专心做自...