Yale AM由Yale School of Management(SOM)开设,目前总共有三届学生,第一二届的class size在40+,23 fall达到50+。其中国际生比例在90%左右,而中国学生比例达到60%左右。 尽管项目较新,但是Yale SOM对于录取者的要求却不低。这篇文章根据过往的申请情况,为大家概述一些申请Yale AM的要求,希望可以帮助大家提高项目...
The relatively small class size (347 students within the latest incoming class) allows for a close-knit, supportive culture. The beloved SOM tradition Closing Bell brings students, faculty, and staff together each Thursday after classes wrap up for the week—some Closing Bells have themes, such ...
总的来说,Yale SOM是一个非常年轻的学校。和耶鲁大学的整体定位一样,Yale SOM比起别的商学院,在人...
Class size在 25-30 人左右、录取非常看重学生的国际背景,需要参加HEC和Yale 两轮面试,才算拿到offer~●其次是HKUST-Yale,Class Profile方面,港科MIMT和耶鲁GBS录取人数都在50人左右。申请流程方面,HKUST-Yale M2M基本上跟分别申请两所学校没太大区别,主要包括:港科的网申、文书、面试+耶鲁的Kira、文书、面试。
此外,除此之外AM项目经常邀请双修Asset Management track的EMBA与其他AM学生一起进行networking,在秋季入学后也经常举办如Hire SOM等大型的求职活动,邀请big name公司与学生进行交流和分享招聘信息。 三、新生体验 yale AM项目班级规模不算太大,历届平均class size为40-50人,其中中国人占比约在60%左右,为大多数。所以...
KARLA CORTES Yale to increase undergraduate class size NORA MOSES & OLIVIA CYRUS YCC passes proposal for Yale Police oversight board, citing ‘concerning’ surveillance of pro-Palestinian protesters NORA MOSES & KARLA CORTES Old Campus housing assignments to rotate for first years in fall 2025...
Yale College will increase its incoming class size by 100 students to a total of 1,650 students per class and invest in support for the expanded student body. NORA MOSES & OLIVIA CYRUS YCC passes proposal for Yale Police oversight board, citing ‘concerning’ surveillance of pro-Palestinian pro...
Class Profile At Yale SOM, you will always find someonein the classroom who knows about the subjects you want to learn about. The school attracts broadminded and intellectually curious students with a diversity of backgrounds and interests. With our small size, supportive culture, and emphasis on...
Yale School of Management researchers can access it from the SOM Phd computer cluster. Users needing to download a large amount of ... DBE Online (De Gruyter) This online edition of Dictionary of German Biography (DBE) provides information about people from all aspects of public life: men ...
耶鲁管理学院资产管理项目(AssetManagement) 建立于2019年,于2020年开始第一批招生,历届平均class size为...