Yaesu engineers have retained the wide variety of IF filters and high intercept front-end that made theFT-1000Da best seller. Using this RF/IF design as a foundation and the FT-1000MP's EDSP system and Collins Mechanical Filter, the result is a uniquely clean sounding transmitter, with outst...
Click here fortechnical infoon this discontinued model UA48Yaesu FT-1000MP$999.95SOLD HF Amateur Transceiver TheYaesu FT-1000MPfeatures adual digital display. This multi-mode transceiver haskeypad entry. Receive coverage is 100 kHz-30 MHz. Therear panelhas dual SO-239 antenna inputs. Ingood co...
yaesu ft-1000mp series transceivers 下载积分: 300 内容提示: February 20053Wide-Coverage Internet RepeaterEnhanced System (WIRES). Alsonew to me with this radio was its au-tomatic range transponder system(ARTS), a system that allows youand another ARTS-equipped stationto determine if you are ...
A scan through the 'ads' in recent issues of this magazine will reveal a plethora of larger HF base stations currently offered for sale. The FT-920 is the latest addition from Yaesu, similar in size and style to the FT-1000MP and boasting many of the same advanced features, but with ...
FT px 101 has adopted YAESU”s lcgcndary Powerful RF Front-End,outstanding 也 beoretical PLL lockup time becormes zero, and CAN deterioration by the lockup tnme stable ”high ”全 equencey accuracy With a low noise figure dual gate MOS FET, D-quad DBM (Double Balanced low-noise Local...
$7.50forARRLMembers,$12.50fornon-Members,postpaid. ModelInformation: FT-100Serial#:9D021081 QST"ProductReview"June,1999 Manufacturer: YaesuU.S.A. 17210EdwardsRd Cerritos,CA90703 Telephone:***-***-***0 http://.yaesu/ ARRLLaboratoryExpandedTest-ResultReportModel:YaesuFT-100Serial:9D021081 Copyr...
Yaesu FT-1000MP SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Type:Amateur HF transceiver Frequency range:TX: 10-160 m + WARC RX: 0.1-30 MHz Tuning steps:0.625 / 1.25 / 2.5 / 5 / 10 Hz (SSB/CW/FSK) 100 Hz (AM/FM) Frequency stability:±10 ppm @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F) ...
the Mark-V is based on the concept of rigorous filtering in all stages of the receiver and transceiver. A high speedantenna tuneris built in. A temperature compensated reference oscillator is built into every FT-1000MP MarkV providing 0.5 ppm. For even greater frequency accuracy add the option...
The new Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V Field is the latest member of the proud FT-1000 bloodline. The Field version brings you this leading edge technology in a 100 watts, self contained designed. That is right ... the AC power supply is built in. Or you may also operate this transceiver ...
Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark VSpecifications Discontinued Amateur Base Transceivers FT-1000MP Mark V SpecificationsGENERAL 0 RX Frequency Range: 100 kHz ~ 30 MHz TX Frequency Ranges: 160 ~ 10 m (Amateur bands only) Frequency Stability: ±0.5 ppm (after 1 min. @ 25 °C)...