手机号: 联系人:翁幼沫 公司名称:深圳市美斯通科技有限公司 马可波罗网>电工电料、线缆照明>电线电缆>通信、数据线缆>其他通信、数据线缆>对讲机写频线YAESU FT1000车台写频线,数据线 最近被加入的企业 名片夹还没有企业信息,赶紧查看企业联系方式加入吧!
yaesu ft1000 风扇 更新时间:2024年11月29日 综合排序 人气排序 价格 - 确定 所有地区 已核验企业 在线交易 安心购 查看详情 ¥25.30/台 广东深圳 源头工厂220V七叶滚珠交流8025激光印刷3000转22CFM散热AC风扇 在线交易 深圳市宣德科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥988.00/件 广东广州 美菱工业冷风机超强空调...
Yaesu engineers have retained the wide variety of IF filters and high intercept front-end that made theFT-1000Da best seller. Using this RF/IF design as a foundation and the FT-1000MP's EDSP system and Collins Mechanical Filter, the result is a uniquely clean sounding transmitter, with outs...
The Ultimate HF/50 Mhz transceiver has arrived continuing on the tradition of high-quality HF products. Named after the well-known FT-101, which is a corner stone in the history of HF transceivers, the future is here with the birth of theFTDX101D. Featuring 100 watts of power, VC Tune...
Click here fortechnical infoon this discontinued model UA48Yaesu FT-1000MP$999.95SOLD HF Amateur Transceiver TheYaesu FT-1000MPfeatures adual digital display. This multi-mode transceiver haskeypad entry. Receive coverage is 100 kHz-30 MHz. Therear panelhas dual SO-239 antenna inputs. Ingood co...
Yaesu สายโปรแกรมแมว USB FIF-232C, สายโปรแกรมแมว FTDI FT232RL USB UART TTL เป็นปลั๊ก DIN 6ขาสำหรับ Yaesu FT-1000 FT-1000D FT-1011 FT-1021 ...
Again, Icould see this feature being usefulfor groups on an outdoor outing andthe like, but it is one of the bells andwhistles that I would probably notbe inclined to utilize. The FT-60Rhas all the required pieces to allowrepeater autopatch ... ...
However, there were a few topics that Chris and I had discussed as suitable for the column and I really didn't want to let them slide because I feel they will be of interest to readers.Don FieldPractical Wireless
A scan through the 'ads' in recent issues of this magazine will reveal a plethora of larger HF base stations currently offered for sale. The FT-920 is the latest addition from Yaesu, similar in size and style to the FT-1000MP and boasting many of the same advanced features, but with ...
种类:整机 品牌:yaesu/八重洲 型号:FT-7900R 类型:专业级 类别:车载台 频率范围:140-174MHz/420-469.995MHz 射频输出功率:50 信道数:1000 理论通讯距离:55 工作电压:13.8 频率稳定度:±2.5 电池理论寿命:1000000 监听功能:有 Yaesu 专业车载对讲机FT-7900R 产品特点 具有超宽的接收范围以及VHF/UHF双...