The newYaesu FT-1000Dwas designed sparing no effort or expense for optimum performance and operability. The FT-1000 is the fruit of over 25,000 man-hours of intensive research and development by Yaesu's top design engineers. Instead of merely offering incremental improvements on existing designs...
However, there were a few topics that Chris and I had discussed as suitable for the column and I really didn't want to let them slide because I feel they will be of interest to readers.Don FieldPractical Wireless
Yaesu DR-1000数码记录器说明书 1 DR-1000 - Digital Recorder The DR-1000 provides true voice message announcements on your repeater system. Substitute DR-1000 tracks for voice messages, speed dial identifications and courtesy tones. With four minutes of total record time, sixteen audio tracks ...
Yaesu FIF-232C USB CAT การเขียนโปรแกรมสาย FTDI FT232RL USB Uart TTL 6-pin Din ปลั๊กสําหรับ Yaesu FT-1000 FT-1000D FT-1011 FT-1021 วัสดุ: เสื้อแจ็คเก็ต...
Yaesu FT-7100M Mobile VHF/UHF TransceiverSpecs Manuals (0) Reviews (0) Prices (1) Compare Add a review Add to my shack Login or Register to upload images Find Yaesu FT-7100M rigs and spare parts on eBay Find the Yaesu FT-7100M on Amazon ...
种类:整机 品牌:yaesu/八重洲 型号:FT-7900R 类型:专业级 类别:车载台 频率范围:140-174MHz/420-469.995MHz 射频输出功率:50 信道数:1000 理论通讯距离:55 工作电压:13.8 频率稳定度:±2.5 电池理论寿命:1000000 监听功能:有 Yaesu 专业车载对讲机FT-7900R 产品特点 具有超宽的接收范围以及VHF/UHF双...
5.01 Review Color:Standard Version Product sellpoints Yaesu 991a For Sale|Yaesu Vx 8r|High Power Output:Boasting 50W on 144 MHz and 40W on 430 MHz, the FT-7900R ensures robust communication over long distances. Waterproof IP67 Rating:With an IP67 waterproof rating, the radio withstands harsh...
Material: Durable Plastic Storage Channel: 999 Waterproof / Water-Resistant: IP67 Maximum Range: 5km-10km Output Power: 3w-5w Display: Full-Color TFT Touch Panel **Advanced Communication Capabilities** The Yaesu FT5DR HAM Two Way Radio is a state-of-the-art communication device designed for...
PRODUCT REVIEW Yaesu FT-60R Dual-band Handheld Transceiver Reviewed by Dan Henderson, N1ND Contest Branch Manager Ready to replace the old handheld transceiver with one of the dual-band models? If so you'll want to check out the latest offering from Vertex Standard, the Yaesu FT-60R. This...
The Yaesu FT-90R is a Mobile VHF/UHF Transceiver. It covers 100-230 / 300-530 / 810-1000 MHz for reception and 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Europe) for transmission. The RF output is High: 50/35 W, Low: ?/? W. It requires 13.8V DC power and has a maximum current drain of 9.5 ...