文献引用:Kraeuter AK, Guest PC, Sarnyai Z. The Y-Maze for Assessment of Spatial Working and Reference Memory in Mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1916:105-111.Leger, M., Quiedeville, A., Bouet, V. et al. Object recognition test in mice. Nat Protoc 8, 2531–2537 (2013).
Methods: the step-down test and Y-maze test were adopted. 方法:采用小鼠跳台法和Y型迷宫法。 2) Water maze test 水迷宫法 3) Y-maze Y迷宫法 1. Y-maze was used to test the ability of spatial learning-memory in mice. 5%CMC,给药组按剂量由低到高灌胃Rg130,60,90mg/kg,采用Y迷宫法检测...
3-5天:对于更敏感的小鼠品系或更复杂的实验设计,可能需要更长的适应时间,通常建议3-5天。 Kraeuter AK, Guest PC, Sarnyai Z. The Y-Maze for Assessment of Spatial Working and Reference Memory in Mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1916:105-111. Leger, M., Quiedeville, A., Bouet, V. et al. O...
they then pre-treated rats with Tianeptine, an antidepressant and anxiolytic drug, and then stressed them and found that the drug blocked the stress-induced impairment on Y maze performance. This is a good example of how the Y maze test can be used for both the disease model and potential ...
在进行小鼠的新物体识别(Novel Object Recognition, NOR)实验和Y迷宫(Y-maze)实验时,间隔时间应根据实验的目的来确定。这两种实验分别评估了小鼠的认知功能和自发交替行为,通常用于研究记忆、焦虑和决策。 新物体识别实验: 这个实验用于评估小鼠的物体识别记忆。实验通常包括两个阶段:习惯阶段和测试阶段。在习惯阶段,小...
Tenuigenin treatment improves behavioral Y-maze learning by enhancing synaptic plasticity in mice. Behav. Brain Res. 246, 111-115.Jun-ni Huang,Chun-yang Wang,Xiu-li Wang,Bo-zhi Wu,Xing-yang Gu,Wen-xiao Liu,Liang-wei Gong,Peng Xiao,Chu-hua Li.  Tenuigenin treatment i...
Learning and memory-retention ability of the mice were performed according to the method of Song (1), while spontaneous alternation behavior of mice in a Y-maze test was performed according to the method of Yamada (2). Test results indicated that the step-through latency period was ...
Kraeuter AK, Guest PC, Sarnyai Z. The Y-Maze for Assessment of Spatial Working and Reference Memory in Mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1916:105-111. Leger, M., Quiedeville, A., Bouet, V. et al. Object recognition test in mice. Nat Protoc 8, 2531–2537 (2013)....
A rodent Y-maze is a type of behavioral test used to assess spatial working memory and reference memory in small animals such as rats and mice. The Y-maze consists of three arms that form a “Y” shape, and each arm is usually made of clear plastic. The floor of the maze is usually...
Holmes, A., & Rodgers, R. J. (1999).Influence of prior maze experience on behaviour and responses to diazepam in the elevated plus-maze and light/dark test of anxiety in mice.Psychopharmacology, 147(3), 322-330.本文研究了之前迷宫经验对小鼠在高架十字迷宫和光/暗测试中的行为以及对地西泮反应...