可以用matlab提供的坐标轴设置函数axis进行设置(对当前坐标轴进行设置),具体用法如下:1、plot(x, y); // 画图后用axis函数设置坐标轴的范围。2、axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]); % 设置坐标轴在指定的区间。3、xmin、xmax 表示设置横坐标的最小最大值。4、ymin、ymax 表示设置纵坐标的最小...
注意看Y轴是被分开的,这个是用matlab画出来的吗?如果是,用什么样的命令啊,呵呵。 Matlab图 function h=BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type,y_arbitrary_scaling_factor) % BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type) % Produces a plot who's y-axis skips to avoid un...
axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax])例如:>> x = 1:10;>> subplot(2,1,1) % 默认范围 >> plot(x,x.^2)>> subplot(2,1,2) % 设置x范围[0,12],y任意 >> plot(x,x.^2,'r')>> axis([0 12,-inf,inf])
h=plotyy(x,y1,x,y2,'plot');set(h(2),'ylim',[50 90])box off
figureaxNew=imshow(I,'XData',xrangeNew,'YData',yrangeNew);title('Image Displayed with Nondefault Coordinates');axison 确认新图像的x和y坐标范围与xrangeNew和yrangeNew指定的移动范围相匹配。 axNew.XDataans=1×2101612axNew.YDataans=1×2-24359 ...
I would like to change the x-axis to show -3.85, 3.85 and for the y-axis to show -2.9,2.9. However, when I load my image into the figure and go into the property editor Matlab believes I am typing in the range of pixels still. I would just like to scale my image ...
How to plot the range of values for X in MATLAB? How to solve the range of x axes and obtain y values? Question: I wish to obtain figure as shown below: here, y axis is r and x-axis is unu_f. I tried to generate unu_f using a range of "r" values from 0:0.2:4 by solvi...
满意答案 axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax])输入之间有空格 10分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 2023可以挂机的回合制游戏《逍遥情缘》1.13火爆新服盛大开启 《逍遥情缘》2023周年活动1月13日正式开启!110级全新光武~专属增益-装备焕新~!专属八大活动,冲榜领红包奖励!新服礼包-休闲游戏-交友撩妹-非RMB玩家必玩!
The data type of y must match the data type of the y-axis. Example: yline(10) displays a line at y=10. Example: yline([13 20 33]) displays lines at y=13, y=20, and y=33. Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | ...