axistight%Set the axis limits to equal the range of the data axissquare axis'auto x'%x轴坐标上下限自动调整 axisoff%Plot a surface without displaying the axes lines and background. set(gca,'Visible','off');%消除坐标轴,显示范围的大小没有改变,同上句 tmp = gca; tmp.XAxis.Visible ='off...
在图表或作用域上右键单击,选择 "属性"(Properties)。在属性对话框中,找到 "横轴"(X-axis)和 "纵轴"(Y-axis)的设置选项,可以设置以下属性:"范围"(Range):设置横轴或纵轴的数值范围,包括最小值和最大值。"标签"(Label):设置横轴或纵轴的标签,用于描述坐标轴的含义。"刻度"(Tick)...
x_range = get(axis_obj,'XLim'); y_range = get(axis_obj,'YLim'); 设axis 对象在图窗的位置坐标为(X0,Y0)(X0,Y0),宽(沿 x 方向)为WW,高(沿 y 方向)为HH; 调用函数可以查看 [X0, Y0, W, H] = get(axis_obj,'Position'); 设待求点的 axis 坐标为(xp,yp)(xp,yp),则该点在图...
Axis limits, specified as a vector of four, six, or eight elements. For Cartesian axes, specify the limits in one of these forms: [xmin xmax ymin ymax]— Set the x-axis limits to range from xmin to xmax. Set the y-axis limits to range from ymin to ymax. [xmin xmax ymin y...
I convoluted gamma distributed having x axis range from 1 to 100 (m=100) and normal distribution with x axis range from -25 to 24 (n=50). By using conv function in MATLAB I got m+n-1 = 149 values. How can I determine the corresponding X axis range, as I need corresponding x ax...
Matlab绘图基础——axis设置坐标轴取值范围 2018-03-21 15:10 − 简介peaks; axis tight %Set the axis limits to equal the range of the data axis square axis 'auto x' %x轴坐标上下限自动调整 axis off %Plot a surface without disp... 司徒鲜生 1 50654 matlab绘图的坐标轴数字、范围、间隔...
AlphaData = max(clouds,[],3); % set transparency datahold offview([80 2]) % specify viewpointdaspect([1 1 1]) % set aspect ratioaxis off tight % remove axis and set limits to data range14 按“Enter"键。如图7所示。
function[d1,d2]=helperSurfaceDopplerLimits(freq,alt,spd,dive,maxRange)% Return the Doppler limits of a flat surface.% Depression angle to max rangeifmaxRange<altmaxRangeDep=90;elsemaxRangeDep=90-acosd(alt/maxRange);end% Normalized maximum closing rateifdive<maxRangeDepmaxClosing=cosd(maxRang...
要设置坐标轴范围,您需要分别对每个y轴进行设置。以下是一个示例,展示了如何使用plotyy函数并设置坐标轴范围: % 创建数据 x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y1 = sin(x); y2 = cos(x); % 使用plotyy函数创建双y轴图 p = plotyy(x, y1, x, y2); % 设置左侧y轴的范围 left_y_axis_range = [0, 1]; % ...
用matlab绘图时,只设定一个轴范围可以通过以下方法来实现:使用 axis([XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX]) ,对于不需要设置范围的轴,使用参数-inf,inf,即正负无穷之间 示例代码:>> x = 1:10;>> y = x.^2;>> subplot(3,1,1)>> plot(x,y,'r')>> subplot(3,1,2)>> plot(x,y,'g')>>...