驚人的! 在 Excel 中使用高效的選項卡,如 Chrome、Edge、Firefox 和 Safari! 每天節省50%的時間,並減少數千次鼠標單擊! 按照以下步驟,您會發現在圖表中製作兩個y軸非常容易。 1.選擇數據范圍,然後通過單擊首先插入圖表插入然後在圖表組。 2.右鍵單擊圖表中的一列,然後選擇格式化數據系列在上下文菜單中。 看截圖...
If you have data range as shown as below, and you want to make two y axes in chart for more clearly viewing the data, how could you do? Here I will tell you the detail on making two y axes in a chart in Excel.Make two y axis in chartMake two y axis in chart ...
现在,右键单击图表中的线,然后选择Change Series Chart Type从右键单击菜单中。 看截图: 5。 在“更改图表类型”对话框中,选中“更改图表类型”对话框中的第二个复选框。Secondary Axis列,然后单击OK按钮。 看截图: 6。 现在,您再次返回到图表。 右键单击左Y轴,然后选择Format Axis在右键菜单中。 看截图: 7。
Method 1 – Using the Select Data Option to Reverse the X and the Y Axis in Excel Steps: Right-click the chart. Choose Select Data. Click Edit in Legend Entries. Click the icon marked in the image. Select the header of the first column and press ENTER. Click the icon marked in the...
Understanding the X and Y Axis in Excel The X axis is the horizontal axis that runs along the bottom of the chart. It displays categories or values in ascending order. In a chart with time on the X axis, the earliest time is on the left of the chart. When you flip the X axis, ...
Now, if you want to display Sales values on the Y-axis and Quantity values on the X-axis, you need to switch the axis in the chart. Below are the steps to switch axes in Excel: You need to right-click on one of the axes and choose Select Data. This way, you can also change ...
Switching X and Y Axis Right Click on Graph > Select Data Range 2. Click on Values under X-Axis and change. In this case, we’re switching the X-Axis “Clicks” to “Sales”. Do the same for the Y Axis where it says “Series” Change Axis Titles Similar to Excel, double-click...
如果您使用的是Excel 2010或2007,它将打开“格式轴”对话框。 然后,如果要向左移动Y轴,请检查自动表,在垂直轴交叉部分。 如果要向右移动Y轴,请检查最多类别中垂直轴交叉部分。 如果要将Y轴移到中间,可以将数字键入在类别编号文本框。 在Excel 2010或2007中,在垂直轴交叉部分。
Method 1 – Add Axis Labels by Chart Design Tab in Excel Steps: We need to create a graph. SelectColumn B,Column C,andColumn D. Click on theInserttab and choose the proper line according to your wish from theRecommended Charts.
在Excel中创建Y轴阈值细分图表 对于如下面的屏幕快照所示的月销售额表,您想要创建一个图表来确定哪个月的销售额超过7800,哪个月的销售额不超过它,并显示超出或未达到的值,请执行以下操作。 1.选择数据范围(如果表的标题行是合并的单元格,则需要从选择中排除它),然后单击库工具>图表>差异比较>阈值图. ...