现在,右键单击图表中的线,然后选择Change Series Chart Type从右键单击菜单中。 看截图: 5。 在“更改图表类型”对话框中,选中“更改图表类型”对话框中的第二个复选框。Secondary Axis列,然后单击OK按钮。 看截图: 6。 现在,您再次返回到图表。 右键单击左Y轴,然后选择Format Axis在右键菜单中。 看截图: 7。
When creating a chart in Excel, the Y axis is added on the left hand automatically. In some cases, you need to move it to the right hand, but how could you deal with it? This article will introduce the workarounds for you.
Select graph>Chart Design>Add Chart Element>Axis Titles>Primary Horizontal. If you follow all steps properly, theAxis Titleoption will come under the horizontal line. To reflect the table data and set the label properly, we have to link the graph with the table. Select theAxis Title, go to...
xlChart.set_HasAxis(Excel.XlAxisType.xlValue, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlSecondary , Type.Missing); ((Excel.Series)xlChart.SeriesCollection(1)).ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlLineMarkers; ((Excel.Series)xlChart.SeriesCollection(2)).ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlLineMarkers; ((Excel.Series)xlCha...
In a line chart, every piece of data you enter goes into the Y axis. Excel automatically distributes these points along a uniform X axis. To add more data to the Y axis in a line chart, add additional numbers in cells below your existing data. Right-click the chart, choose "Select ...
How to Add Axis Labels in WPS Spreadsheet: Step 1: Launch WPS Office and open the WPS Spreadsheet application. Step 2: Create or open the spreadsheet containing the chart you want to add axis labels to. Step 3: Click on the chart to select it, and you'll notice the "Chart Elements"...
(X and Y Titles) An axis label briefly explains the meaning of the chart axis. It’s basically a title for the axis.Like most things in Excel, it’s super easy to add axis labels, when you know how.So, let me show you If
s1.IsPrimaryAxisY=false; c.ChartArea.AxisY2.DefaultLabel.Color=s1.DefaultDataPoint.Color=Color.Blue; s1.ChartType=ChartType.Bar; for(inti=1; i<8; i++) s1.DataPoints.Add(newDataPoint(i, i*i*i)); c.SeriesCollection.Add(s1); ...
Select the Chart Type of each Series and which Series to show on Secondary Axis and Click OK. Final Graph with Secondary Axis You can see the final graph now shows the Revenue on the Primary (Left) Axis and the Net Income is on the Secondary (Right) Axis. This visualizes the data in...
Add axis titles to a chart When creating graphs in Excel, you can add titles to the horizontal and vertical axes to help your users understand what the chart data is about. To add the axis titles, do the following: Click anywhere within your Excel chart, then click theChart Elementsbutton...