所以γ-MnO2在作为阴极材料之前,必须对其进行热处理,并且要除去水分,使晶型结构从γ-MnO2转变为γβ-MnO2相(混合,以β相含量为65%~80%为最优) [2-8]。再者,在固体钽电解电容器的阴极材料也是二氧化锰。由于它的电化学性能很大程度上决定于阴极,因此对二氧化锰要求很高,二氧化锰必须全部为β晶型,同时对其...
Colour: Dark gray Pattern: To replace 00-012-0716 and validated by calculated pattern. VH VHN#1#0#0=146-243. General: Mn O2 occurs in several crystal modifications. The mineral ramsdellite, alpha-Mn O2, is represented by 7-222. A number of poorly crystallized synthetic polymorphs are repre...
Temperature: The approximate temperature of data collection was 26 C.Pattern: To replace 00-...
Strong Line: 2.22/X 2.57/6 1.57/6 1.34/2 0.99/2 0.91/2 1.28/1 0.86/1 1.11/1 1.02/1 NOTE: Spectroscopic analysis of sample (wt.%): Al, Mg, Si <0.1; Ba, Ca, Fe <0.01; Ag, Cu <0.0001.Pattern taken at 26 C.Almost identical data by L.G.Berr...
Preparation: Prepared by stoichiometric mixing of Zn S and Cu In S2 in a quartz ampoule ...
Pattern: Validated by calculated pattern 00-043-1017.Structure: Isostructural with Zr O2 (Ge...