XR Origin (XR Rig) 表示相机装备的预制件。配置用于平滑移动、抓取移动、爬升移动、传送移动以及平滑和 Snap 转向。每只手还包含一个 Poke 交互器、直接交互器和射线交互器,以及一个首先优先 Poke 交互器、然后是直接交互器、最后是射线交互器的交互组。此外,还有一个配置了 XRI 默认 ...
XR Origin (XR Rig) 表示相机装备的预制件。配置用于平滑移动、抓取移动、爬升移动、传送移动以及平滑和 Snap 转向。每只手还包含一个 Poke 交互器、直接交互器和射线交互器,以及一个首先优先 Poke 交互器、然后是直接交互器、最后是射线交互器的交互组。此外,还有一个配置了 XRI 默认分享...
4. 创建场景,然后右键选择XR-> XR-Origin(Action-based) ,旧版本是XR-Rig(Action-based) 。这里解释下,之所以用ActionBased的原因是OpenXR只支持这个,所以仿照官方文档写的Device-Based的方法怎样都得去改,不过这个改起来确实是很快的。 创建完XROrigin后会覆盖掉原来的MainCamera并插入一堆东西,差不多是这么个结构。
The XR Origin (XR Rig) in this scene supports either motion controllers or hand tracking, which is managed by the XR Input Modality Manager component.A Poke Gesture Detector component and Meta System Gesture Detector component are on the hand tracking GameObjects which manages automatically to...
The XR Interaction Setup has the following hierarchy, which contains the XR Origin (XR Rig) as a nested prefab.GameObjectComponentsDescription XR Interaction Setup Input Action Manager Input Action Manager Enables the input actions used by the interactors. Input actions in an Input Action Asset ...
在Unity 中为 Rokid 开发的第一步就是实现相机在空间中的定位。在 ARFoundation 中,这一步通过在场景中添加ARSession和XROrigin实现。在 UXR2.0 SDK 中,只需要将名为RKCameraRig的 Prefab 拖进场景即可实现相机的空间定位。 在RKCameraRig脚本上,我们可以通过调整HeadTrackingType选项来选择使用 6DoF、3DoF 或 0...
Compatible with the related functions of QIYU SDK, the QiyuManager will be added automatically when creating a XRRig.Solved IssuesFixed the abnormal data issue from QIYU Performance Tool.Known IssuesVulkan is currently an experimental function, it might causes performance degradation in some scenes. ...
In this tutorial, we’ll explore XR Rigs. An XR Rig is the user’s eyes, ears, and hands in the virtual world. It works together with the Locomotion and/or Teleportation Systems, which allow the user to move in the virtual world. The XR Interaction Toolk
setOriginAnchor({ position, rotation }, frame); }); } xrSession.requestAnimationFrame((time, frame) => { arMarkerSys.setOriginAnchor({ position, rotation }, frame); }); } } return; 3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions 3 src/utils/utils.js Original file line numberDiff line ...
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