The XPS (x–ray photoelectron spectroscopy) O1s spectrum of PET [poly(ethylene terephthalate)] was examined in detail. Spectra of related compounds were also studied for comparison. The O1s peak profile of asymmetric doublet with π–π * satellites characteristic of PET was successfully explained...
They also tend to have narrower O1s peaks compared to other species, e.g. carbonates. It is often possible to directly observe the relative full width half-maximum of each component in the O1s spectrum. ‹Non-Metal Elements Hydrogen › Carbon › Nitrogen › Oxygen › Phosp...
XPS谱图中,除了特征谱峰,还存在由于终态效应导致的卫星峰,例如shake up/off峰,这些谱峰也是非常重要,可以帮助鉴定化学态。是否分峰取决于实验需求,可以查找相关文献帮助确定解谱参数,例如对Co2p的解谱,可以参照这篇文献:Accurate peak fitting and subsequent quantitative composition analysis of the spectrum of Co2...
XPS谱图中,除了特征谱峰,还存在由于终态效应导致的卫星峰,例如shake up/off峰,这些谱峰也是非常重要,可以帮助鉴定化学态。是否分峰取决于实验需求,可以查找相关文献帮助确定解谱参数,例如对Co2p的解谱,可以参照这篇文献:Accurate peak fitting and subsequent quantitative composition analysis of the spectrum of Co2...
Interpretation of XPS spectra Adventitious carbon contamination is commonly used as a charge reference for XPS spectra. C1s spectrum for contamination typically has C-C, C-O-C, and O-C=O components. The C-C component may be set to a binding energy of 284.8eV, by default. Not ...
是否分峰取决于实验需求,可以查找相关文献帮助确定解谱参数,例如对Co2p的解谱,可以参照这篇文献:Accurate peak fitting and subsequent quantitative composition analysis of the spectrum of Co2p obtained with Al Kα radiation: I: cobalt spine 老师刚才讲到的全谱...
是否分峰取决于实验需求,可以查找相关文献帮助确定解谱参数,例如对Co2p的解谱,可以参照这篇文献:Accurate peak fitting and subsequent quantitative composition analysis of the spectrum of Co2p obtained with Al Kα radiation: I: cobalt spine Q:老师刚才讲到的全谱台阶变高那里说是可能样品受到污染,请问这个...
是否分峰取决于实验需求,可以查找相关文献帮助确定解谱参数,例如对Co2p的解谱,可以参照这篇文献:Accurate peak fitting and subsequent quantitative composition analysis of the spectrum of Co2p obtained with Al Kα radiation: I: cobalt spine 7.老师刚才讲到的全谱台阶变高那里说是可能样品受到污染,请问这个...
是否分峰取决于实验需求,可以查找相关文献帮助确定解谱参数,例如对Co2p的解谱,可以参照这篇文献:Accurate peak fitting and subsequent quantitative composition analysis of the spectrum of Co2p obtained with Al Kα radiation: I: cobalt spine7.老师刚才讲到的全谱台阶变高那里说是可能样品受到污染,请问这个...
SupplementaryFigure1.XPSC1sandO1sspectraoftheCo-NG. SupplementaryFigure2.STEM-EDSmeasurementoftheCo-NGtakenintheregionshownin Fig.2e.ThespectrumshowsthepresenceoftheCo,N,CandOfromthesample.TheAusignal isfromtheTEMgrid.TheSisignaloccursfromthespuriousSiemissionfromtheEDSdetector. 291289287285283 O-C=O C...