XPS spectra of clean TiO 2 resulting from scraping in vacuum indicate that oxygens terminate at the very surface. Implications of these observations are discussed.doi:10.1016/0009-2614(79)87231-0T.K. ShamM.S. LazarusElsevier B.V.Chemical Physics Letters...
s轨道的XPS谱图用于表征TiO2主体及掺杂的Fe原子与.doc,Ti 2p轨道和O 1s轨道的XPS谱图用于表征TiO2主体及掺杂的Fe原子与主体TiO2间的化学相互作用,具体数据见表2-5。其中,由Ti 2p轨道(图3-9B)的XPS谱图可以看到,{001}-0.1%Fe-AHSs和{001}-AHSs于结合能458.9 eV和464.6 e
Fig.2-11UV-vis DRS Spectraof{001}-0.1%Fe-AHSs (a),{001}-0.2%Fe-AHSs (b)and{001}-AHSs (c) Inset: The Plotsof (αhν)2versushνfor Bandgap Energies) 图2-11为Fe掺杂锐钛矿型{001}-TiO2纳米片多级球催化剂的紫外-可见固体漫反射光谱图。由图2-11可以看到,3种催化剂在低波(200 nm-40...
eds. Handbook of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: a reference book of standard spectra for identifi...
Hybridization and Bond-Orbital Components in Site-Specific X-Ray Photoelectron Spectra of Rutile TiO2 We have determined the Ti and O components of the rutile TiO2 valence band using the method of site-specific x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. C... J.,C.,Woicik,... - 《Physical Review Lette...
results showed that the surface electronic properties of Pt 2TiO 2/ITO changed greatly and two novel types of tunneling current 2bias voltage (I 2V )curves were ob 2tained after calcination at 673K in air.The Fermi energy of TiO 2shifted from the side of conductance band to that of ...
Patrocinio, A.O.T.; Paniago, E.B.; Paniago, R.M.; Iha, N.Y.M. XPS characterization of sensitized n-TiO2 thin films for dye-sensitized solar cell applications. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2008, 254, 1874-1879. [CrossRef]A.O.T. Patrocinio, E.B. Paniago, R.M. Paniago, N.Y. Murakami ...
Effective oxygen exchange between silicon and tin oxide phases occurs during the growth of tin oxide layer on the Si surface.The localized surface charge has a significant effect on the obtained XPS core level spectra.Large Sn particles coupled to the Si wafer are not charged compared to the sm...
在Avantage中有此计算功能,操作简单,选择 功能执行( Processing ... Modify Spectra ... Energy Deconvolution)。 Counts / s 2.00E+04 C1s cae10 样品1 4400 N1s cae10 1.50E+04 4200 4000 Counts / s 1.00E+04 3800 3600 5.00E+03 3400 3200 0.00E+00 3000 298 296 294 292 290 288 286 284 ...
Ti2p轨道及O1s轨道的XPS谱图用于表征TiO2主体及掺杂的Fe原子与主体TiO2间的化学相.doc,Ti 2p轨道和O 1s轨道的XPS谱图用于表征TiO2主体及掺杂的Fe原子与主体TiO2间的化学相互作用,具体数据见表2-5。其中,由Ti 2p轨道(图3-9B)的XPS谱图可以看到,{001}-0.1%Fe-AHSs和{001}