High-entropy P2/O3 biphasic cathode materials for wide-temperature rechargeable sodium-ion batteries 图8 Mn2p, Ni2p, Cu2p分峰拟合结果 《Energy Storage Materials》期刊由中国科学院院士成会明院士主编,创刊之初就将期刊定位为新能源与材料科学领域顶刊。如今,该期刊是中科院一区,影响因子高达20.8。这篇论文是...
The XPS (X-ray photoemission spectroscopy) analysis of the Cu-SiO/sub 2/ interface was undertaken to obtain a better understanding of the cause of the enhanced adhesion reported in ion-plated films. The results indicate the formation of a (Cu/sub 2/O)/sub x/Si interfacial layer, nearly ...
(2)XPS handbook:A Reference Book of Standard Spectra for Identification and Interpretation of Xps Data; (3)Applied surface science期刊上高引用的论文。 XPS学习加速Buff 小GO也给大家准备了神器“XPS大礼包”可以免费领取哦~ 后台私信“XPS”即可免费领取~发布...
1981年,他因研究高分辨率电子能谱而获得诺贝尔奖,该研究最初被称为电子能谱化学分析(ESCA)。 7 K. Siegbahn ,Chemical Shift Effect in Inner Electronic Levels of Cu Due to Oxidation 13, 483 (1958). 8 K. Siegbahn et al.ESCA : atomic, molecular and solid state structure studied by means of ele...
7 K. Siegbahn ,Chemical Shift Effect in Inner Electronic Levels of Cu Due to Oxidation 13, 483 (1958). 8 K. Siegbahn et al.ESCA : atomic, molecular and solid state structure studied by means of electron spectroscopy . Upsaliensis 20, 1 (1967). ...
XPS是一种对固体表面进行定性、定量分析和结构鉴定的实用性很强的表面分析方法。 现今世界上关于XPS的刊物主要有:Journal of Electron Spectroscopy. Related Phenomena. 企业包括:PHI公司,VG公司,Karatos 公司 发展方向:单色化,小面积,成像XPS 二、功能与...
The influence of x-ray irradiation time on the forms and intensities of the photoelectron signals from zinc sulphide particles activated at various copper coverages was investigated. High binding energy components and satellites of the Cu 2p signals, characteristic of copper(II) hydroxide overlayers, ...
1.发展了全新的原位XPS测试技术:设计高表面灵敏度观测方法,可以在180-500 mbar和高温高TOF条件下探测Zn/ZnO/Cu(211)催化剂上CO2/CO氢化过程中Zn和中间体的状态,拓展了XPS原位测量的应用范围,大幅度提高了测试表面灵敏度。 2.相似系统适用性验证...
Cu/Fe 的比值在刻蚀时 间为 36min 时比较小 ~ 但相对于刻蚀时间为 24min 时仍然有一些增加 ~ 说明在这个位置薄膜中含有 Vol.41 吉林大学学报 ( 理学版 D No.1 2003 年 1 月 JOURNALOFJ L NUN VERS TY(SC ENCEE T ON D 91*93 Fig.1 XPSOfCu2pandFe2p lOttedindifferent utteringtime . ;b. ...
Overlapping regions: Cu LMM, Ni LMMBinding energies of common chemical states: Chemical stateBinding energy Fe2p3/2 Fe metal 706.7 eV FeO 709.6 eV Fe2O3 710.8 eV FeCl2 710.4 eV Experimental information Fe2p overlaps strongly with Ni LMM Auger peaks, e.g., in some steel samples....