论文1:Steering Bidirectional Sulfur Redox via Geometric/Electronic Mediator Comodulation for Li-S Batteries 图2 N1s和Co2p分峰拟合结果 这篇论文发表在了ACS Nano上,说明整体水平还是得到了认可。这里我们只对XPS分析进行评价。首先是图a,作者认为Co的引入造成VN@NC与Co-VN@NC之间结合能的差异,这是有可能的。
N1s peak shapes for metal nitrides (e.g. TiN) can be complex and unusual, possibly with presence of surface oxynitrides. In the case of as received TiN, the oxidized nitride state in the N1s region is observed at lower binding energy compared to the pure nitride state. ...
论文1:Steering Bidirectional Sulfur Redox via Geometric/Electronic Mediator Comodulation for Li-S Batteries 图2 N1s和Co2p分峰拟合结果 这篇论文发表在了ACS Nano上,说明整体水平还是得到了认可。这里我们只对XPS分析进行评价。首先是图a,作者认为Co的引入造成VN@NC与Co-VN@NC之间结合能的差异,这是有可能的。
薄膜、块体等样品,若样品表面组分不均匀,会造成测试结果的差异。 5. 使用Al Kα X-ray会出现的重叠谱峰,当有重叠谱峰的时候直接定量PEAK TABLE的结果不能参考,常见重叠谱峰有Li1s&Co3p;B1s&P2s;C1s&Ru3d5/2,Ru3d3/2;C1s&K2p;O1s&NaKLL等。 6. 特殊需求:样品含S、F、I、Br、Hg、Cl、P等元素...
Caution must be used when peak fitting the N1s region in nitride hafnium oxide/silicate samples. Hf4f region has well separated spin-orbit components (Δ=1.68eV) Loss feature for Hf metal appears at 30eV and 23.5eV for HfO2. Peaks in the Hf4f region have an asymmetric peak shape for...
N1s peak shapes for metal nitrides (e.g. TiN) can be complex and unusual, possibly with presence of surface oxynitrides. In the case of as received TiN, the oxidized nitride state in the N1s region is observed at lower binding energy compared to the pure nitride state. Oxi...
在实际加峰到谱峰表(Peak Table)中 之前,必须要考虑选取不同的本底类 型及其可能带来的误差。 有四种本底扣除的方法可选:Linear, Shirley,Tougaard和Smart。 应根据谱峰的实际峰型和情况来正确 选取本底类型 PET的定量分析 7.00E+04 C1s Scan C1s -CH PET中每 种碳的 数目为: C-C 6 C-O 2 O=C-O ...
的。 l在实在实际际加峰加峰到谱到谱峰表峰表(Peak Table)中中 之之前前,必须要必须要考虑选考虑选取不取不同同的的本底本底类类 型型及及其可其可能能带带来来的的误差误差。 l有有四四种种本底本底扣除扣除的方法可的方法可选:选:Linea 13、r, Shirley,Tougaard和和Smart。 l应根应根据谱据谱峰的实...
论文1:“Steering Bidirectional Sulfur Redox via Geometric/Electronic Mediator Comodulation for Li-S Batteries”在ACS Nano期刊上发表,XPS分析结果存在疑问。作者解释Co引入导致结合能差异,但结合能移动幅度令人怀疑,可能源于荷电位移。N1s谱峰被错误地分为了V-O,且分析基础存在问题,分析质量差,...
Peak Table 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 C o u n t s / s Binding Energy (eV) In MNN O KLL In 3s In 3p3 O 1s In 3d C 1s Ar 2p B 1s Si 2s Si 2p N a m e S t a...