于2021年5月27日在《Scientific Reports》上发表题为《相同的化学状态的碳在XPS中产生两个峰》(The same chemical state of carbon gives rise to two peaks in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy)的文章[1],指出了C 1s峰进行BE值标定是一个存在漏洞的方法。 因为K. Siegbahn指出XPS仪器的真空泵中的真空脂产生...
单色化X射线XPS的高分辨谱中,各元素主峰FWHM在0.3 eV到1.7 eV; 纯金属的金属主峰(e.g. 1s, 2p3, 3d5, 4f7)FWHM在0.30 eV到1.0 eV间变化; 二元金属氧化物的金属主峰FWHM从0.9 eV到1.7 eV; 二元金属氧化物的氧峰O(1s)的FWHM一般在1.0 eV到1.4 eV; 外来碳氢化合物的C(1s)峰的FWHM一般在1.0 eV到1....
Interpretation of XPS spectra C-C peak at 284.8eV is frequently used a charge correction reference because of its convenience. Not always reliable, possibly changing with nature of the surface hydrocarbon, film thickness and nature of the sample. ...
XPSpeak 软件,或者 origin XPS 手册 C. D. Wagner, W. M. Riggs, L. E. Davis, et al., Handbook of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [M], (G. E. Muilenberg, editor) Perkin Elmer Corporation (Physical Electronics), 1979 网络数据库http://www.lasurface.com/database/elementxps.php XPS谱图...
XPSpeak 软件,或者 origin XPS 手册 C. D. Wagner, W. M. Riggs, L. E. Davis, et al., Handbook of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [M], (G. E. Muilenberg, editor) Perkin Elmer Corporation (Physical Electronics), 1979 网络数据...
4、使用Al Kα X-ray会出现的重叠谱峰,当有重叠谱峰的时候直接定量PEAK TABLE的结果不能参考,常见重叠谱峰有Li1s&Co3p;B1s&P2s;C1s&Ru3d5/2,Ru3d3/2;C1s&K2p;O1s&NaKLL等。 5、样品包装要求:样品制备好以后,尽可能进行真空密封,减少样品吸附空气中的污染物,对于某些元素的测试,比如常见的C、O,会有...
Peak of adventitious carbon C 1s (binding energy is 284.8 eV) is usually used as charge reference in XPS spectra calibration. While C 1s is overlapped with peaks of some elements, gold could be sprayed onto the surface of materials and Au 4f7/2 is used as charge reference. In this ...
8、 of an element in different compounds are nearly the same.The peak area ratios of a core level of an element in different compounds are also nearly the same.(2).结合能与电子自旋-轨道耦合284280276288290Binding Energy (eV)C 1sOrbital=sl=0s=+/-1/2ls=1/2(2).结合能与电子自旋-轨道耦合...
是否分峰取决于实验需求,可以查找相关文献帮助确定解谱参数,例如对Co2p的解谱,可以参照这篇文献:Accurate peak fitting and subsequent quantitative composition analysis of the spectrum of Co2p obtained with Al Kα radiation: I: cobalt spine 老师刚才讲到的全谱...
答:XPSpeak软件,或者origin,建议看《电子能谱学(XPS-XAES-UPS)引论〉。 请问那个碳的文件有什么用,我实验中没有这种元素啊。 样品可能被含碳物质污染,一般都有碳峰。有时候以碳峰作为参考。 请问我怎样可以知道每个峰处所对应的物质、元素? 碳是用来定标的,就是以C的284.6或284.4为标准,与实验所得的碳进行比...