Boeing 737-800 This aircraft in the X-Plane Mobile app is a narrow-bodied, short- to medium-range airliner. It has 10 variants that can carry 85 to 215 passengers. It is the best-selling commercial jet airliner and has been in continuous production since 1967. Details Beechcraft Baron B...
Boeing 737-800 This aircraft in the X-Plane Mobile app is a narrow-bodied, short- to medium-range airliner. It has 10 variants that can carry 85 to 215 passengers. It is the best-selling commercial jet airliner and has been in continuous production since 1967. Details Beechcraft Baron B...
机型涉及A320、B737-300、B747 B777-200ER(作者仅删除旧版本冗余的无关数据)、B757-200/-300机型。 更新形式为新加类,目前新旧地景包都有的模型路径路一致,加载无影响。 A320 系列 A320系列 增加S7和laudamotion两家航司涂装 B737-700 系列 B737-700系列 新增LUXalr航司涂装 B757-200 系列 B757-200系列 新...
机型涉及A320、B737-300、B747 B777-200ER(作者仅删除旧版本冗余的无关数据)、B757-200/-300机型。 更新形式为新加类,目前新旧地景包都有的模型路径路一致,加载无影响。 A320 系列 A320系列 增加S7和laudamotion两家航司涂装 B737-700 系列 B737-700系列 新增LUXalr航司涂装 B757-200 系列 B757-200系列 新...
It is noted that the XP11 model here has been updated more than 200 times... overkill. Which brings… 2 replies 12.6k views 1 follower MaxymusT replied July 29, 2023 Aircraft Update: B 747-8 Series Anniversary Edition X-Plane 12 Aircraft Update: B 747-8 Series Anniversary Edition X...
您好[微笑][微笑],不,微软的模拟飞行2020Xbox版本并不支持PMDG机模。PMDG是针对移动端和桌面端PC运行的,它具有更高的准确性和更多的功能特性,而不是针对Xbox。此外,微软模拟飞行2020Xbox版本支持的机型有空客A319,空客A320,空客A321,波音737NGX,波音747-400,波音777-200LR,波音787-10 ...
Xplane10模拟..1991年3月3日,联合航空585号班机,由一架8年机龄的波音737-200飞机执飞,准备从丹佛Stapleton国际机场飞往科罗拉多泉机场,机长是52岁的Harold Green,经验非常丰富,他的
FJS 737 Twinjet Pro(737-200)推荐指数:5分/1分(新人极其不推荐) 一个非常有特色但是也相当冷门的机模,目前已经是v3版本,价格应该是69美元,我买的那时候是45美元左右。 细节爆表的机模,建模 贴图很优秀,音效更是无敌(主要是这个JT8D引擎独特的声音)真实程度相当之高,几乎无可挑剔 ...
Boeing 737-800 This aircraft in the X-Plane Mobile app is a narrow-bodied, short- to medium-range airliner. It has 10 variants that can carry 85 to 215 passengers. It is the best-selling commercial jet airliner and has been in continuous production since 1967. Details Beechcraft Baron B...
I climb 2000 fpm to 12,000 ft. But the B777-200ER is quite impressive if you want to push the parameters. To 5000 ft you can use 3000 fpm, to 15,000 ft you can do 2500 fpm and in a mach climb 0.83 to altitude 1500 fpm. Sounds on the flightdeck are gorgeous and...