【X-Plane11】Zibo Boeing 737-800 自动降落北京首都国际机场(ZBAA) 05:29 免费航路计划软件 Little Navmap全干货使用讲解(安装 导航数据升级 X-PLANE11联动 航路设置 FMS文件输出) 28:04 一键完美解决 X-Plane11 北京大兴国际机场ZBAA地景 01L/19R跑道长树的问题 03:14 【x-plane】快速解决X-Plane12无...
插件名称:Boeing B737 NG B737-600/700/800/900 更新时间:2024-12-30 发布公司:LevelUp 插件大小:1.03 GB 插件版本:U1 插件测试:已测试 下载点数:0点 支持平台:[X-Plane12] 1/17 2/17 3/17 4/17 5/17 6/17 7/17 8/17 9/17 10/17 11/17 12/17 13/17 ...
飞行外设: THRUSTMASTER TCA Quadrant & Sidestick Airbus Edition THRUSTMASTER TFRP THRUSTMASTER Boeing YOKE Saitek X55 HOTAS CH YOKE Bravo Throttle Quadrant 电脑配置: i9 13900K 5.8 Ghz RTX 4080 SUPRIM X 128G DDR4 3800 2TB NVMe SSD 插件机: Toliss 319 & 321 FF 320 & 350 Zibo 737-800 JD330 ...
Everything in X-Plane operates from real world physics. Aircraft handling, ground effect, wind gusts, and more will give you the most accurate flight sim experience possible.Try it today! Detailed World and Atmosphere As you explore the X-Plane world, the weather, water, light, 3-D forests...
Using X-Plane with your Mac will make you feel like you really are inside the cockpit of a speeding Cessna Citation X, realistic Boeing 737-800, the nostalgia-filled classic F-14 Tomcat, and almost 20 other planes, gliders, and helicopters. ...
Boeing 737-800 “ZIBO MOD”: Thanks for allowing 3rd party devs access to the base model for improvement. I hope Zibo pilots have “report anonymous data” checked because the user base for this aircraft is Huge and is likely a significant percentage of the most used aircraft in X Plane....
支持平台:[X-Plane11] [X-Plane12] 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 萨马拉国际机场(UWWW),是伏尔加地区的第二大客运机场。它为萨马拉、陶里亚蒂和萨马拉地区的所有其他定居点服务。机场的名字来自同名的村庄,位于西南7公里。 库鲁莫奇具有联邦机场的地位。它是俄罗斯的20个枢纽之一。 库鲁莫奇机场的...
X-Plane € 18.00 $ £ ¥ SOP / FCOM BOEING 737 MANUAL DEUTSCHFLUGSIMULATION-VFR € 21.00 $ £ ¥ SOUTH EAST ASIA 1 WATER MASK MSFSTABURET MFS24 7.99 € 5.59 $ £ ¥ -30% 30-day price low: € 7.99 MANGO STUDIOS FPS E195/E190 SOUNDPACK XP12MANGO STUDIOS ...
discordairplanex-planeboeing767 UpdatedMar 1, 2023 Lua blauret/pyG5 Star26 This repository Garmin G5 AI + HSI in dual stack mode. This model interfaces with X-Plane flight simulator and intends to run on a 7 inches Raspberry Pi display in vertical mode ...