This option has no effect if the miner already generated CPU configuration, to prevent config generation use"autosave":false. Only threads count can be changed, for 1 core CPU this option has no effect, for 2 core CPU only 2 values possible 50% and 100%, for 4 cores: 25%, 50%, 75...
Daemon around the miner to restart and apply config changes High performance. Official Windows support. Small Windows executable, without dependencies. Support for backup (failover) mining server. keepalived support. CryptoNight-Lite support for AEON. Smart automatic CPU configuration. Nicehash support AR...
Maybe that cpu has 10 cores and 20 threads each so the user was not able to configure it correctly (usually they come with 4 nodes system). Assuming same price per cpu, which one would you choose to go with? 4870 or 6276? Thanks for a lot of valuable info. Owner xmrig commented Aug...
simple config editor for miner / mass editor for multiple miners monitoring / offline notification - Daemon around the miner to restart and apply config changes - High optimized mining code (Benchmarks) - Working CPU affinity for NUMA Cores or CPU's with lots of cores - Multihash support (D...
ExecStart=$HOME/c3pool/xmrig --config=$HOME/c3pool/config.json Restart=always Nice=10 CPUWeight=1 [Install] EOL sudo mv /tmp/c3pool_miner.service /etc/systemd/system/c3pool_miner.service echo "[*] Starting c3pool_miner systemd service" sudo killall...
cores 0 and 1 --cpu-priority set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest) --cpu-max-threads-hint=N maximum CPU threads count (in percentage) hint for autoconfig --cpu-memory-pool=N number of 2 MB pages for persistent memory pool, -1 (auto), 0 (disable) --cpu-no-yield...
Will install on my main pc to see how it handles autoconfig the cpu cores on the oddball E5-2667 V3 es cpu's that I have and give the Nvidia version a try. Will let it run on my dual E5-2620 box for a while. Reactions: nfsden and gigatexal Klee Well-Known Member Jun ...
3. XMRIG-RandomX config Simple config example Coin: XMR Pool:(POOL:XMR) Wallet:(WALLET:XMR) Password:x Update the mining client's configuration so that it will be defined as: { "http": { "enabled": true, "host": "", "port": 7888, "access-token": null, "restricted": ...
与cpuminer兼容的命令行选项。 CryptoNight-Lite支持AEON。 智能自动配置CPU。 Nicehash支持 软件开源。 使用教程: 配置文件在线生成网址: 您也可以通过配置文件使用配置,默认名称为config.json。有些选项仅通过配置文件提供:autosave,hw-aes。watch选项目前尚未在矿工中仅在代理中实施。
--cpu-priority=Nset process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)2.3.0+ --cpu-max-threads-hint=Nmaximum CPU threads count (in percentage) hint for autoconfig4.2.0+ --cpu-memory-pool=Nnumber of 2 MB pages for persistent memory pool, -1 (auto), 0 (disable)4.3.0+ ...