i am using docker desktop and WSL and i am triying to get this to run, i installed it following the steps in the linux installation guide and i keep getting this error: sudo docker run --rm -it \ --device nvidia.com/gpu=all \ -e CUDA=true \ docker.io/metal3d/xmrig docker: nvi...
works only with amdgpu-pro drivers or on Windows. TheCL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILUREis strange since OpenCL code is correct there and no compilation error is printed. Maybe it's a bug in driver. .cache- always manually delete after exit xmrig, if"cache": true, but usually I use false mode g...
sudo apt -y install nvidia-headless-450 nvidia-driver-450 nvidia-compute-utils-450 nvidia-cuda-toolkit sudo reboot Important: check which version of the Nvidia driver you need (i.e. which is compatible with your graphics card) You can check on the Nvidia website which products are supported...