后者接口可能会在任何地方使用,所以路径只能用os.projectdir或者os.scriptdir进行拼接路径。 此外,需要确保该 target 已经应用了一个编译规则,否则不会根据后缀名去添加文件(可能会出现error: unknown source file: xxx.cpp)。 比如你在脚本域添加 .cpp 文件,那么首先在描述域添加add_rules("c++")。 增量配置 假如...
Xmake 是一个基于 Lua 的轻量级跨平台构建工具。它非常的轻量,没有任何依赖,因为它内置了 Lua 运行时。 它使用 xmake.lua 维护项目构建,相比 makefile/CMakeLists.txt,配置语法更加简洁直观,对新手非常友好,…
xmake will scan all source code in current directory and build it automaticlly. And we can run it directly. $ xmake run If we only want to generate xmake.lua file, we can run: $ xmake f -y If you want to known more information please see Scan source codes and build project without ...
它使用 xmake.lua 维护项目构建,相比 makefile/CMakeLists.txt,配置语法更加简洁直观,对新手非常友好,短时间内就能快速入门,能够让用户把更多的精力集中在实际的项目开发上。 我们能够使用它像 Make/Ninja 那样可以直接编译项目,也可以像 CMake/Meson 那样生成工程文件,另外它还有内置的包管理系统来帮助用户解决 C/C...
Add source file position to interpreter and search results in menuChangesImprove to configure cross-toolchains, add tool alias to support unknown tool name, e.g. xmake f --cc=gcc@ccmips.exe #151: Improve to build the share library for the mingw platform Improve to generate makefile plugin ...
cargo_rsystem/latest/cache/source/target/x86_64-unknown-none/release/deps to /home/dell/Projects/test-proj/build/.packages/c/cargo_rsystem/latest/934c937479bb4bedb432f28382ca4aaa/lib, the copy does not succeed, the destination path does not exist, although the path to the source file ...
Add source file position to interpreter and search results in menuChangesImprove to configure cross-toolchains, add tool alias to support unknown tool name, e.g. xmake f --cc=gcc@ccmips.exe #151: Improve to build the share library for the mingw platform Improve to generate makefile plugin ...
Add source file position to interpreter and search results in menuChangesImprove to configure cross-toolchains, add tool alias to support unknown tool name, e.g. xmake f --cc=gcc@ccmips.exe #151: Improve to build the share library for the mingw platform Improve to generate makefile plugin ...
Xmake 是一个基于 Lua 的轻量级跨平台构建工具。它非常的轻量,没有任何依赖,因为它内置了 Lua 运行时。 它使用 xmake.lua 维护项目构建,相比 makefile/CMakeLists.txt,配置语法更加简洁直观,对新手非常友好,…
Execute gen.bat whenever appropriate, for example if you added a new source file. Execute build.bat in the VM. My build.bat file is very simple: Z: cd Z:\repos\oss_ue4ss\cxx_mods xmake C: Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to...