Xmake can be used to directly build source code (like with Make or Ninja), or it can generate project source files like CMake or Meson. It also has abuilt-inpackage management system to help users integrate C/C++ dependencies. Xmake = Build backend + Project Generator + Package Manager +...
Xmake can be used to directly build source code (like with Make or Ninja), or it can generate project source files like CMake or Meson. It also has a built-in package management system to help users integrate C/C++ dependencies. Xmake = Build backend + Project Generator + Package Manager...
// create a c++ console project xmake create -l c++ -t 1 console or xmake create --language=c++ --template=1 console // enter the project directory cd ./console // build for the host platform xmake // only build for the given target xmake target // config and build for the host ...
Xmake = Build backend + Project Generator + Package Manager + [Remote|Distributed] Build + Cache 尽管不是很准确,但我们还是可以把 Xmake 按下面的方式来理解: Xmake ≈ Make/Ninja + CMake/Meson + Vcpkg/Conan + distcc + ccache/sccache
(3)打开VScode的终端窗口,切换到项目所在目录d:\VS2022.002\test,运行xmake build test,便可以编译项目,再运行xmake r test,便可以运行项目显示“hello world!” (4)项目编译成功后,便会构建d:\VS2022.002\test\build\windows\x64\release\test.exe,也可以在CMD窗口中运行test.exe显示“hello world!”...
2.build 子命令 build 子命令也就是默认的构建命令,由于这个命令最常用,因此即使用户不完整运行xmake ...
$ xmake[25%]: compiling.release src/main.cpp[50%]: linking.release try-libssh2[100%]: build ...
A cross-platform build utility based on Lua Modern C/C++ build tools, Simple, Fast, Powerful dependency package integration 项目支持 通过成为赞助者来支持该项目。您的logo将显示在此处,并带有指向您网站的链接。🙏 技术支持 你也可以考虑通过Github 的赞助计划赞助我们来获取额外的技术支持服务,然后你就能获...
Xmake=Build backend+Project Generator+Package Manager 项目源码 官方文档 入门课程 新版本改动 这个版本主要新增两大特性: Linux内核驱动模块的构建支持 分组构建和批量运行支持,可用于实现Run all tests功能 剩下的主要是一些零散的功能改进和 Bugs 修复,可以看下文末的更新内容明细,一些比较大的改动,下面也会逐一说...
constconfig=vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('xmake');config.get("buildDirectory"); 创建状态栏 状态栏上的按钮是可以响应之前创建的那些命令的,例如:xmake.sayHello等,下面我们在状态栏上创建一个debug按钮,用来调试运行xmake构建的程序: letdebugButton=vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment....